Seventeen - Eight PM And Sweethearts

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I decided to sit in the back of Theo's pickup truck with Jules who still had wide eyes since Theo opened my door.

"Why was he at your house?" Jules whispered, turning to me and I shrugged.

Why was he at my house? Because...he's my boyfriend...or something like that?

I could tell that Theo was pissed that I wasn't sitting next to him seeing as his jaws were clenched and he was gripping the gear shift like he was about to throttle someone.

But damn, that jawline could cut me and I'd love it.

I, on the other hand eyed his muscles like the little hoe I was. He had rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and I ran my tongue over my top lip, staring at the bulging veins on his muscular arms.

His hair was in a loose bun.

"So, the mall?" Theo called in an unimpressed voice and I sighed, turning to Jules who still looked completely confused and scared.

"Uh...y-yes Professor Stephen" he stuttered and I almost laughed at his face. I pulled a mirror out of my bag and reapplied my lip balm.

"You do...have a girlfriend, right?" Theo asked unabashedly and I sighed, throwing my head back. Jules looked like a deer caught in headlights. It was comedic.

"That's a personal question, Professor Stephen" I eyed him and he glanced back at me with a childish frown on his lips before he glared hard at Jules and looked away.

I continued to admire his features while Jules sat silently in the car. Theo's miserable music played but it was ignorable as I eyed his neck, chin...jawline, arms...

I was sure he didn't know just how sexy he was. Naturally, thinking about him made my heart skip a beat or two.

He gave without expecting anything in return. He looked at me like the world revolves around me. He touched me like he was too scared to hurt me.

"You guys are dating?"

"That obvious?" I blurted out and my eyes widened at what had just left my lips.

Theo didn't hear what I had said so, he was mumbling something under his breath and I turned to Jules who chuckled, shaking his head.

"If you tell anyone...I practice juju just so you know" I warned and he chuckled, zipping his lips before throwing the keys out the window. I eyed him suspiciously and he laughed.

"I'm not gonna tell anyone. Though, I didn't expect it. I mean you're...he doesn't look like the kind of man you'd-"

"Ah ah ah" I snapped my fingers, shutting him up and he laughed again, combing his fingers through his hair. I had a feeling that I wouldn't like what he was going to say.

I wondered why I panicked when Theo and I weren't dating. I mean, yeah...we kissed but we hadn't moved much further past that no matter how much I was dying to.

The truth was I refused to let go of my scholarship. No matter what and it seemed Theo understood that -most times.

"Where do we go first?" He turned to me and I pursed my lips, thinking about it.

"How about we watch a movie?" I offered and he nodded before pointing at me.

"None of that stupid romance-"

"Ehn we're not watch anything then" I crossed my arms against my chest defiantly and he sighed before letting out a low groan.

"Fine. As long as I get to choose what we do next cause..." he exhaled and shook his head, causing me to smile.

We continued to talk and I was halfheartedly involved in the conversation. I really wanted to sit up front and have his hand on my thigh, rubbing up and down and his fingers tapping my thighs along to the beat of the song playing from my phone.

We got to the mall in record time and Theo sent Jules out of the pickup truck with a glare.

"Stop being so mean to him" I pushed myself up and pressed my lips to his. My heart jumping in delight. I could taste the white chocolate off his lips.

He gripped my shirt and pulled me into his lap from the back like I weighed nothing, causing me to laugh.


His intense silver eyes were unhappy and I sighed, claiming his lips again.

I hated to see him sad.

He gripped my thigh as his tongue delved into my mouth. I pressed my palms against his chest as he gripped my chin and flicked his tongue over mine.

I moaned as he trailed kisses down my neck, biting and suckling. I pulled his hair out of the band and combed my fingers through it.

"Theo?" I whimpered, his lips awakening a fire deep in my soul.

"Yes, sweetheart?" He whispered against my neck, running his tongue along my collarbone while his hand rubbed my exposed stomach.

So much for being friends, huh?

"I'll pick you up for our date. Okay?" He kissed my lips one last time and he gulped, looking away from my eyes before he took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles, looking into my eyes.

I shivered at the raw emotions swirling through those beautiful eyes.

"And next time, you better fucking sit in your place" he growled and I laughed, tucking his hair behind his ear.

"Aye aye captain" I did a small salute and he sighed.

"I'll pick you up, okay?" He kissed my cheek and then the side of my head, making my heart burst from excitement and glee.

"8?" I stared up at him and he hummed.

"Sharp" he smiled softly and combed his fingers through my hair that he was absolutely obsessed with.

He pushed the door open and I climbed out. I shut the door and wiggled my fingers at the tinted windows. I could almost feel him smile.

"I'll be damned" Jules mumbled next to me and I rolled my eyes before turning to him.

"That man scares the fuck out of me...well, it's more like he intimidates me" He added and I laughed, knowing how that felt like.

"Would you believe me if I said I used to know how that felt?" I raised a brow at Jules who narrowed his eyes playfully and shook his head.

"No way" he chuckled shaking his head while Theo drove away.

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