Thirteen - Drug Deals And Hotels

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She didn't realize how much I wanted to pull her her into my arms and kiss her senseless. I settled for kissing the corner of her lip, letting my lips linger for couple of minutes longer.

"You won't be calling me your friend when I take you the way I want in your bed" I whispered and she gulped audibly. I cupped her chin and turned her face towards me.

"You won't be calling me your friend when it's my name you're screaming, nude in your bed, begging, gripping the sheets" I kissed her cheek and she seemed frozen.

"Theo!" She whispered after a while and it wasn't obvious on her cheeks but I could tell that she was blushing. I chuckled and brought her hand to my lips, placing a kiss in her palm.

"I'll wait for you here. Don't be too long. Hmm?" I hummed and she nodded, smiling softly at me. I inhaled and kissed the inside of her palm again, feeling the flutters start all over again.

"I'll be right back" she reassured me before reaching to the back for the bags. She grabbed them and I climbed out of the car, walking around the car to pull her door open for her. I helped her climb out of the car and I watched her walk off -her ass in that skirt.

The though of any other man seeing her in that skirt and thinking the same things I was thinking started a flaming fury inside me. I leaned against the truck, hoping she didn't take her sweet time because I still wanted to take her out for dinner.

It was a date. Whether she was going to acknowledge that or not.

Several luxurious cars sat in the parking lot and I thought about Imade.

For me, it was instant attraction. Love at first sight. Whatever it was addressed as.
I could feel myself get more comfortable with her and slowly attached.

God! Everything about her was beautiful.

I refused to be 'friend zoned' or whatever it was called.

Almost thirty minutes later, she towards the car with her nose glistening under the light, brows pinched together in what seemed to be annoyance, lips set in a beautiful frown while she held a bag in her left hand.

"You look like you just closed a drug deal" I pointed out and she cracked a smile, moving closer to me.

I leaned against the hood of the car and she did the same, leaning beside me after she placed the bag on the hood of the car.

"Maybe I did"

After a few minutes of leaning against the hood of the car, we drove off and decided to have dinner together at that restaurant we went.

I knew I could hold a better conversation this time around seeing as I was a lot more comfortable with her. Probably too comfortable.

She hummed to herself, staring outside the window while I tapped my fingers on her thigh.

"Favorite movie?" She blurted out randomly and I laughed at how spontaneous the question was. I didn't take my eyes off the road but I shrugged.

"I don't watch a lot of movies. But i enjoy movies with tragic endings" I confessed and a silence reigned. I could feel her eyes on me.

"You 'enjoy' movies with tragic endings? Theo! Are you secretly sadistic?" She called out like she was in confusion. I looked away from the road when it was free to set my eyes on her and her brows were pinched in frustration. Her lips were parted like she didn't understand what I was saying.

"How exactly do you enjoy sad endings?" She grumbled with a pout and I could tell that she was one of those hopeless romantics. I could watch a movie seasoned with romance but I'd rather gouge my own eyes out that watch an entire movie based on someone's silly definition of love.

"Cause they're more realistic" I shrugged and took a left, seeing the restaurant just ahead.

"So you don't believe in love?" She sounded like a child who had been told Santa did not exist. I guffawed and shook my head. If I didn't believe in love then I wouldn't be here -with her. However, I kept that information to myself.

Seemingly unsatisfied with my laughter as an answer, she smacked my arm.

"Theo!" I drove into a space in the parking lot and sighed, turning to her.

"I certainly believe in love, sweetie. I just don't believe in the kind of love that movies depict" I leaned in to her and she gulped audibly. Our lips were only inches away from each other and she exhaled.

"Yeah?" She whispered distractedly, eyes trailing down from my eyes to my lips. I smirked and pulled away, stepping out of the car while she gathered her thoughts.

Pulling her door open, I helped her out. I took a bold step and entwined my fingers with hers as we stepped into the restaurant.

We ordered the same thing we had ordered the last time we were here but the only difference now was that I wasn't afraid to enjoy and appreciate the view.

I laughed when she moaned, eating her food.

"This is good. It tastes so much better than it did the last time" her eyes rolled behind her lids and I chuckled.

Though our dinner, I listened to her talk, only talking when she asked a question but I enjoyed listening to her voice. It was soothing -calming.

I'd be damned if I didn't make her mine.

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