Two - New Friends And No Bras

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"I'm fine, mama!" I laughed, staring at my mama who had an Ankara wrapper wrapped under her arms. She sniffled and began to cry, causing tears to well in my eyes.

"Mama, don't cry. You know it's for the best, right?" I tilted my head at her. She began to mumble something in her Ekiti dialect.

I was familiar with simple Yoruba.

I could speak it fluently but Ekiti dialect? It was hard and I only picked up a few words from what she was saying.

I was lying in bed in nothing but my panties. I didn't have enough boobs to care about wearing a bra.

"I said I miss you. There's no one at home to be singing nonsense in my ear" she smiled sadly at me and I sat up, holding the sheets up to my chest as I held the tablet up.

"I miss you too, mama. You can call me whenever you want to talk. Okay?" I raised my brows at her and she sighed.

"Sho ti jeun?" I shook my head and exhaled.

"No. I'll go get something to eat...later?" I stood up and walked to the closet, my mama hummed and I pulled out a night dress, pulling it on.

"What did you eat last night?" I glanced at the tablet and she had her eyes narrowed at me, causing me to laugh.

"I ate indomie" I grinned and she laughed, shaking her head like she knew she would never stop me from taking it.

"Okay na. Let me leave you to get ready. Call me whenever you're free. Okay?" I hummed and nodded, blowing her a kiss. She caught it pressed it to her chest. She waved at me before hanging up.

I sighed and walked to the reading table to plug in my tab. I unplugged my phone and scrolled through my WhatsApp for a few minutes before I decided to take a shower.

I washed the gel out of my hair as I took a shower humming to myself. I took my sweet time using the hot water.

As soon as I finished, I wrapped a towel around my head and walked to the room. I cleaned myself up, used some lotion and coconut oil before I decided to wear a pair of comfy jeans, an XL South Park shirt and a pair of simple white sneakers. I used some activator gel in my hair and spritzed some perfume.

I grabbed my black tote bag that had my name embroidered on it, shoving my purse into it along with my phone, documents, my journal, a small packet of wipes and a few packs of gum.

My plan was originally to get groceries but I remembered Noah said he was going to pick me up for lunch.

I walked back to the bathroom and hummed to myself with a bright yellow eyeliner in my hand. I stared at myself as I drew a simple winged liner and used some mascara.

Right on cue, I heard the door and knew it was Noah. I placed the liner in my bag and walked towards the door before opening it.

"H-oh my god" he trailed off, staring at me again as his cheeks turned red. I laughed this time around and smiled at him. He dressed almost the same as he did yesterday. A blue and white striped shirt and a pair of khaki pants.

"Hey Noah! Good afternoon" I couldn't lie. I felt excited or maybe it was because I already spoke to my mama.

"Uh you look amazing, Imade" he ran his palm over his pants and I smiled.

"Thank you. You look great as well" he inhaled and moved his hand towards his car. I stepped out and locked the door behind me before making my way towards the passengers seat while Noah held the door open.

He was such a sweetheart.

He shut the door and walked around before climbing in through the other side.

"I was thinking of going to get a few groceries...maybe after lunch?" I shrugged and pulled my phone out. A message popped up from a former client, Shade. I had done her wedding make up and since then she had acted like a big sister to me.

Often sending me money when I told her that mama was struggling with money. She was the one who bought my suitcases and helped with getting my passport as her husband working in the immigration office.

She began to call when I didn't reply her messages immediately. I laughed and excused myself, answering the video call after plugging my earphones in.

"Oponu ni e o! Why didn't you answer my calls, Imade? Hmm?" She had her eyes wide at the camera and I laughed.

"Aunty Shade, good afternoon. You just sent me that message na" I pouted at her and she sighed.

"I've missed you o. Are you in a car?" She narrowed her eyes at me and I nodded, ruffling my curls lightly.

"How are you settling in? Need any help? Want me to come over?" She rushed through her words, her silver braids flopped in front of her face and she pushed it back.

"I'm fine. Aunty Shade. I just want to get a few groceries and lunch with a friend is all. How about your husband?" I wiggled my brows and she laughed before turning the camera around. Her husband was asleep but he was holding her like she would vanish at night.

"Stay safe, okay? If you need anything. Anything at all, just let me know. Okay? I don't want you stressing mama too much" she warned and i nodded. My heart ached from how much I missed them.

"Of course. I love you" I waved at her and she responded with an 'I love you' before handing up.

A comfortable silence filled the car as he drove past vibrant buildings and numerous cars. It was hard to believe I was so many hours away from home.

"So what year are you in?" I asked, turning to Noah who cleared his throat and began to tap his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Final. Studying Journalism" he nodded and I hummed, thinking about it.

"That's nice."

"You?" He asked and I smiled, thinking about the one thing I had been wanting to study for so long.

"Literature" I grinned excitedly and Noah chuckled, seemingly more comfortable.

"You sound quite excited about it" he pointed out with a smile.

"I am" I nodded, saying nothing more but my feet bounced from excitement.

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