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I shifted from one foot to another as I stood outside Natasha's office. I had gotten ready too early so was expecting to wait for 20 minutes before she arrived. While I was in my dorm, I had put on some light makeup, lined my eyes with my signature eyeliner, and I lightly curled my hair so that it bounced when I walked. I was happy with my outfit, it was both cute and comfortable. My phone buzzed as I got a text from Emily.

Em - You going to the party 2nite?

Yes, Alex is taking me. Will hang with you when I get there.

Em - Cool, see you later!

I smiled to myself, proud that I had made good friends. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of heels approaching. I looked up from leaning on the wall and I saw Natasha walking towards me. She was wearing a light blue shirt with the top few buttons undone with black trousers, and her hair fell behind her as she walked towards me. She was walking fairly quickly with a determined look on her face but slowed down and relaxed when she saw me.

"Desi, you're early." She indicated for me to follow her into the office, pointing to a chair next to her desk.

"Yeah, sorry about that, but I'd much rather be early than late if you know what I mean." I sank into the chair as I observed Natasha putting her books down and falling back into her chair, putting her feet up on a stool next to me.

"I do, I appreciate punctuality."

I simply smiled at her and she smiled back. "How is this going to work, if you don't mind me asking?"

Nodding, she replied, "Well, I thought I would start you off with some basic vocabulary to help you get a feel of the language before we delve into the grammar and other stuff. Does that sound good?"

"Sure, that sounds great."

"Now I want you to feel as comfortable as possible, you know that I'm not going to judge you at all. Please, be relaxed with me Desi." Natasha pleaded slightly with her eyes until I smiled gently at her, seemingly appeasing her.

"Natasha, I do have some belief in myself you know."

Her eyes widened as she realised what she had sounded like, "Desi! I have full confidence in your success, I just-"

I cut her off giggling, "Natasha, I'm just teasing. I know you only mean the best, I really appreciate it."

She playfully scowled at me as my giggles suppressed and we sat in comfortable silence until she started to teach me.

90 mins later:

"Say it one more time, Desi."

"Хорошо, спасибо." [I'm fine, thank you.]

Natasha's smile broadened as I said the sentence again. I couldn't help but join her in my triumph.

"Was that alright?" I ask shyly, looking at her through my eyelashes. During the lesson, I had stretched my legs over her armrest in a carefree moment and at this moment she squeezed my leg in excitement, sending shivers down my spine.

"That was perfect, Desi, you are perfect."

I felt myself get hotter again. "Oh, thank you."

"You look great, by the way, I forgot to mention that earlier." Her eyes scanned my body, pausing on my chest which was slightly exposed by my top. I let my legs slip off the side of her chair as I shift uncomfortably under her compliment.

"Oh, I have a party later, and I knew I wouldn't have time to get ready after this, so."

Her eyebrows raised. "A party?"

"Yeah, it's a guy on the basketball teams birthday so we're celebrating. But I'm not big on parties so I hope I won't have to stay long. I also hope my friends don't get too drunk and leave me, but oh well," I laugh nervously as I watch Natasha lean forward with her hand out.


Without thinking about it, I instinctively reach into my pocket, unlocked my phone and gave it to her. After 30 seconds she gives it back and I see that she's put her number in.

"Call me if you need anything, okay Desi?"

"Thank you, Natasha, seriously. But I hope I won't need to use it, I don't want to disturb your time."

"You could never, Desi."

I blushed again and this time Natasha noticed.

"You don't receive many compliments, do you?"

"Not from pretty girls, only..."

"Frat boys who throw themselves at you?" Natasha laughs, seeming to relate.

"Yeah, exactly that."

A silence forms until Natasha says, "You think I'm pretty?"

I smile slightly, "Uh, yeah I think you're beautiful, but you already knew that."

A knock on the door caused us to break eye contact and Alex walked in. I rushed up and jumped into his arms and he spun me around.

"Looking good, Desi!"

"Thanks, Alex, you look very dashing yourself." He was wearing a blue striped shirt and black chinos. "Alex, this is my lit professor, Miss Romanoff. Miss Romanoff, this is Alex."

Alex raised his hand in a wave and Natasha simply smiled back.

"We should probably get going, Des, don't want to miss the cake!" He leant over and picked up my bag, slinging it over his shoulder before grabbing my hand.

"Bye," I wave at Natasha and she lifts her hand but doesn't move it. Seeing this I make it a point to have forgotten something so that I have to go back to Natasha's desk. I lean over her and whisper in her ear, "Goodbye, Natasha." My hot breath on her skin causes her to shiver and I suppress giggles as I pull backwards. She moves her head so that her lips ghost over mine momentarily.

"Goodbye, Desi," she smiles softly. Alex calls me back and I run to him out of the door. The last thing I see of my English professor is her sparkling eyes as Alex pulls me around the corner, and I take a minute to calm down the butterflies that were swarming in my stomach over my little act.

Literature, lust and love - Professor RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now