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The music was pounding and I found it difficult to navigate myself through the dimly lit and smoky hallways. Alex had disappeared with his guy friends and Emily had walked off into a bedroom with a boy so I was left alone. This party was much more intense than the last one and I tried entertaining myself by people watching but I kept getting walked into and having drinks spilt over me so I sighed and pulled out my phone.

The phone picked up after the second ring.


"Hi, um, it's Desi."

"Hey, Desi." I could hear Natasha smirking on the other end of the phone.

"Could you do me the biggest favour?" I was silently pleading that she wasn't already in bed even if it was a Saturday night.

"I'm outside."

"You're what?"

"Outside. Come on." Natasha put on her teacher's voice and I couldn't help but obey her. I stepped outside and saw a black BMW on the other side of the road. I walked up to it and slipped inside, being hit with the strong smell of her perfume. Even under the poor car lighting she still looked amazing. Her hair was braided in two plaits and boy did it suit her. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a white shirt, contrasting greatly with my pink top and purple skirt. I was met with a sweet smile before her eyes scanned my body.

"Cute outfit." She nodded at my skirt, which was slowly riding up.

"Thanks, is this you on the weekends? It suits you." She only tilted her head in return.

"Natasha, not to be weird, um, but why are you here?"

"You called me, Desi."

I rolled my eyes. "I know that, Natasha, but you were already here, like waiting."

She shifted in her seat and looked away from me. With a burst of confidence, I leant forward and grabbed her chin with my hand and forced her to look at me. I raised my eyebrows at her, forcing her to speak.

"I was worried about you. These parties can get pretty hectic and I didn't want anything to happen to you." She blushed as she spoke, obviously not used to being questioned like this.

"You were worried about me?" I tease, covering my growing smile.

"I can't go losing my best student, can I?" Natasha smirked, playing back.

"Oh, no, of course not!" I put my sarcastic voice on and Natasha laughed at me, the sound sending shivers down to my toes. I felt myself getting worked up, so I placed the back of my hands on my cheeks, trying to cool them down.

"So, your boyfriend left you?" Natasha questioned, smirking at my flustered state.

"My boyfriend?" I practically laughed. Her eyebrows only raised further. "Do you mean Alex?" One nod. "Alex is my best friend."

"Really?" She didn't look like she believed me.

"Natasha, you've seen us together for weeks now! I'm gay, he was like my gay awakening!"

"Oh, thank fuck for that." 

I couldn't respond before her lips slammed onto mine. It took me only a second before I started kissing back, lifting my hands up to her neck. Her soft lips felt so good on mine, and I could taste her coconut lip balm. She pulled back, resting her forehead on mine, looking into my eyes. A smile broke out on her face as she gazed at me. "I've wanted to do that since I first saw you."

This time I smirked. "Well, then, we should make up for lost time." I pulled her back towards me, opening my mouth slightly so that she could slip her tongue inside me. She took her time to explore me and I could do nothing but let her and try to control my increasing breathing. The kiss got more heated until, without breaking it, she pulled me over the console and made me straddle her. Her hands slipped down under my skirt to my ass, squeezing it slightly until I let out a moan.

"Fuck, that was beautiful." Natasha breathed out. Her lips made their way to my neck, quickly finding my sweet spot. She nipped and sucked, knowing that it would leave a mark, which was probably her intention. In the time that I had known her, I had gotten the sense that Natasha had a dominant side to her, and I was more than happy to submit to her.

"Natasha, shit."

"I love when you say my name, baby" she growled against my neck.

I brought up her face with my hands as I placed kisses over her face.








Kiss. My lips met hers and I could have sworn I felt electricity shoot through my body. I shivered and I pulled her into a hug and we sat there in comfortable silence, holding each other.

"Have you got any plans tomorrow?" Natasha asked me, drawing patterns on my back.

"No, I was just planning on going to library and studying."

"Studying what?"


She giggled, sending the vibrations into my chest. "Oh, lucky for you, that's my specialty. Do you want to have another lesson?"

"Are you sure? We only had one yesterday." I ask, not wanting to waste her time. We had started covering grammar yesterday and I was struggling, so I knew I needed to spend some more time on it. In the lesson Natasha had been patient, more so than could be expected of her, congratulating me when I got something right and comforting me when I got something wrong. When I left last night I could see in her eyes that she was tired, but was pushing through her fatigue to be with me. 

"Desi, how many times do I have to show you that I want to spend time with you?"

"Okay, okay! Then yes, I would love to have another lesson."

"I'll pick you up at 2?"

"Pick me up?"

"We'll study in the park, I know a nice spot."

"Sounds lovely, Natasha." I placed a kiss on her forehead before trying to slip off her, but before I could she tutted.

"One more," and pulled my lips to hers. She let me go after a minute and I fell into my seat, letting her drive me back to my dorm.

I fell into bed smiling to myself and saw that I had two text messages.

Em - Sorry I left you, but in other news, I think I have a boyfriend now!?!?!

Don't worry about it Em, it actually worked out really well for me, and I'm so happy for you. Don't let him treat you like shit though!

Em - I would never! Girl power 4eva!!!!

I giggled as I opened the other message.

Natasha - Sleep well, Desi.

You too, Natasha. Thank you for everything.

Natasha - My pleasure ;)


Natasha - Don't dream too much about me.

Shut up!!

Natasha - Night, baby.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I reread and reread her last message. She was calling me baby. I screamed into my pillow like a kid but I could honestly care less. I fell asleep smiling, and my night was spent with images of Natasha in my subconscious, just like she predicted.

Literature, lust and love - Professor RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now