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"You never called."

I looked up, shielding myself from the morning sun, my eyes meeting Natasha's. She was dressed in her gym gear, black leggings and a white sports bra, with a t-shirt slung over her shoulder. Her subtle abs were showing as she rested her forearms on the railing of the bleachers I was sat on.

"I told you, I didn't need to." I smiled, trying to show her that I was okay. "But, I do have another party on Saturday, so who knows, maybe you'll be getting a call then."

"I wouldn't have pegged you for a party girl, Miss Dunn."

"Oh, I'm definitely not but Alex is so I always go to them."

"Ah, I see." Natasha looked like she wanted to say something else but stopped herself. Instead, she asked, "What does your Monday look like?"

"Oh, I've got a Chem lab and then Professor Rogers. Not too bad. What about you?"

"I've got two English classes today, but not my favourite." Natasha smiled briefly at me until I got her insinuation.

"Well, you only have to wait 28 hours for your favourite class," I giggled, drawing out the word favourite.

"Hey, Desi!" I spun my head around and saw that Coach was waving me over to join back in practice.

"I should-"

"Yeah, go for it, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Natasha."

"Bye, Desi."

I ran down to join my teammates before the whistle blew. Instantly, I was in the zone. I loved how my body felt when I exerted it, the way I leapt through the air to catch the ball. I made a slam dunk, causing an eruption from my teammates as I was only 5'6 and some of them were a foot taller than me. Still, I had pretty springy legs that enabled me to jump quite high. I high fived Alex as I ran back to centre court before the point started again.

I walked into Professor Roger's class a few minutes early and he actually smiled at me, briefly, but it was a kind acknowledgement. I slid into my seat next to Emily and she instantly turned to me.

"What is with you and getting teachers to be nice to you! I don't understand. Teach me your ways!"

"Just put them in their place, that's the only advice I have for you."

"Who are you and what have you done with Desdemona Dunn!?" She and I both laughed until the lesson began.

This week Professor Rogers had moved on to the Civil War which I found much more interesting and I was captivated until I noticed Natasha walk in and speak quickly to Professor Rogers. Both their eyes landed on me and Professor Rogers called out, "Miss Dunn, can you go with Professor Romanoff?"

I nodded and grabbed my bag, unsure of how long I was going to be gone. I quickly walked out of the classroom, sending confused looks to a few of my friends before finding Natasha waiting for me in the hallway. She was stood with a concerned look on her face, and her fingers were playing with her necklace. I was happy to see her again so soon but I could tell that something was not right.

"Natasha, what's wrong?"

"Desi, we just got a call from your dad that your mom was in a car accident and she's in hospital." Her words pierced through my heart and tears started falling from my eyes. "She's stable, though! But she's pretty beat up and your dad wanted you to know."

Before I could reply, I saw Troy race through the hallway towards me.

"Did you hear?" he spat at me.

"Yeah, Professor Romanoff was just-"

He cut me off, "Shut it, I don't care. As long as she's not dead, I don't want to be involved, capeesh?" He looked between us both before storming away.

I didn't say anything and I felt my breathing become rapid as I stumbled towards Natasha. Her arms opened just in time for me to fall into her as I started sobbing.

"Hey, hey, honey, it's okay! I've got you. Desi, I've got you." She started rubbing my back as I sobbed into her shoulder, completely ruining her shirt. She held me as I calmed down, whispering sweet words, until I finally stood back and said something.

I looked at her through my wet eyelashes and apologised. "I just can't imagine anything happening to either of my parents and to not be able to see them,  it's just being on different coasts really scares me. I don't want to be alone."

"Desi, you're not alone! You've got your friends, you've got Alex, you've got..." She stopped, looking down at the floor.

"Got what?"

"Me." Her voice sounded so small but I smiled broadly and grabbed her hand, squeezing it slightly.

"That means so much to me, thank you, Natasha."

"Always, Desi. Do you want to go back to the lesson or just hang out for a bit?"

"I should probably get back, I don't want to miss too much content, and besides the focus may help." I picked up my bag that had dropped to the floor and swung it over my shoulder. Natasha nodded sadly but walked me to the door. She squeezed my hand once more before watching me walk back into the room.

Half an hour later I was sat on my bed with Emily and Alex, swallowing a tub of Ben & Jerrys while we watched the Good Place on my TV. Emily had called Alex as soon as she found out and they had both escorted me to the store and forced me to pick out my favourite snacks. Being with both of them soothed the ache in my chest and Alex knew exactly what to say and even got my dad on the phone so we could speak to him.

"Hey Mr D!" Alex called through the phone.

"Alex, my man! Desi, you alright?" My dad's voice instantly brought me comfort.

"Yeah, I'm okay. How's Mom?"

"Ask her yourself!"

"Mom?" "Mrs D?" Alex and I spoke at the same time, in complete shock and confusion. Emily simply giggled at us.

"Hey, kids! Don't worry about me, I'm alive! Just a few cuts and bruises." My dad interjected, "And a broken leg!"

"But you're really okay?" I asked, wanting to hear the confirmation from the horse's mouth.

"Yes, Desi, I'm fine, now go live your life!" After saying goodbye, Mom hung up and left us in silence before Emily burst out laughing.

"I'm so sorry but your guy's faces are hilarious!" She snapped a picture and showed us and immediately Alex and I joined her in laughter. Our eyes were puffy and our mouths were surrounded with chocolate ice cream with tear stains running down our cheeks. "Deffo going on the priv!"

I spent the evening with my friends until they left me, making sure I was okay to be on my own, and it truly felt like I was. Natasha's words ran through my head, "You're not alone," "you have me," "I've got you," as I fell asleep.

Literature, lust and love - Professor RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now