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I slipped out onto the hard pavement of Natasha's driveway and strolled over to where Natasha was waiting, looking impatient. I smirked at her as I sidled up, sliding my hand into hers and pulling us towards the door. She slipped the key in the lock but before I could turn the handle, she grabbed my wrist. I turned towards her questioningly and I couldn't mistake the glint in her eye.

"You're getting wrecked tonight, baby, after that little stunt you pulled."

I gulped but leant in to whisper, "I only bought this dress so you could take it off, Tasha."

With that, she yanked open the door and dragged me to the couch, pushing me onto it. She took her time, puttering around the kitchen whilst I lay there squirming. Anytime I would try to get up she would tut loudly and I knew better than to disobey her. Eventually, she walked over and gently straddled me, bringing her hand to my face to stroke it, leaning down to kiss me gently on my forehead.

"I love you, Desi," she whispered, gazing into my anxious eyes.

"I love you too, Tash, but please-"

"I know, honey" she interrupted me, forcefully placing her lips on mine. While I was distracted by her coconut tasting lips, her hands moved down to pull my dress up around my waist, it only registering when I felt her hands on my thighs. Not wanting to interrupt, I let her continue and focused on our entwined lips, whilst I played with her hair that was pinned behind her neck by my hands. Blindly, her hands rubbed my thighs up and down as I deepened the kiss, slipping my tongue inside her mouth once more, forcing a moan out of her. I smiled against her and she smiled back, not long before detaching our swollen lips. I leant back against the couch cushions breathing heavily as Natasha looked down at the lace covering the place she coveted most right now.

"So pretty," she murmured, and then leapt off me to remove it from my body. The cold hit my core and I took in a deep breath, but it was soon replaced with my girlfriend's head, who looked up at me with lustful eyes.

"May I, princess?"

I nodded, and she licked her lips before she started to kiss my inner thighs. She began to leave hickeys as I grumbled unrecognisable words in growing frustration. Just as I thought I was going to get what I wanted, she skipped over and kissed my stomach, tracing lines with her fingers as I shivered under her touch.

"Nat, please!" I exclaimed, looking down at her and seeing her amused eyes. I've never called her Nat before, and it was clearly something funny to her.

"Patience is a virtue, love. But I do love when you beg for me."

I groaned as she brought her face up to mine, swallowing my complaints with her mouth until my body contorted as two fingers entered me. The familiar tension built up inside of me as I felt the pumping of her fingers and her lips on mine working tirelessly to bring me to my climax.

After a minute of hard breathing and calming myself down whilst Natasha watched me bemused, I stood up, letting my dress drop back down, and started walking towards the stairs.

"Where are you going, Desi?"

"To the bedroom, obviously, Miss Romanoff." I called out, keeping my direction the same as I heard her leap off of the couch and run up to me. Her hands gripped my waist causing me to squirm as she giggled softly into my ear. Our feet padded across the hard floor and I couldn't help but appreciate how amazing it felt to be with Natasha, in a space that could just be ours when we needed it to be. I sighed softly as the carpet of the upstairs hit my feet and followed Natasha into her bedroom, closing the door quickly behind us. She turned towards me when she reached the foot of the bed, and I couldn't help but be taken aback by her beauty. She held herself so regally, and her green eyes could outshine any gem on the planet. She caught me staring, and cocked her head to the side.

"What are you looking at?"

"You." I took steps towards her. "You're so incredibly beautiful, Natasha." I cupped her face with my hands and gazed into her eyes. "I'm so infatuated with you, baby."

She beamed at me and leant forward to kiss me, not before whispering, "I'm held over heels for you too, Desi."


I woke to Natasha tracing patterns on my hip, and I groaned softly as I rolled over to face her.

"Morning, Desi," she smiled, brushing hair away from my face.

"Morning, angel," I replied, snuggling into her chest, feeling the warmth on my face. I lay content, listening to her gentle heartbeat as she held me close in her arms. The last night was a rollercoaster of emotions for me, but it was undoubtedly one of the best nights of my life. Natasha Romanoff is my secret admirer, and I'm her girl. She loves me.


She hummed in reply and I felt her kiss the top of my head.

"I have to go soon."

"What! Why?" I could sense the pout she was pulling and I lifted my head to look at her and sure enough, she was giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Because," I rolled my eyes, "A certain someone has set me two tests I need to study for!"

"Oh," Natasha giggled and deflated against her pillows as I playfully scowled at her. I slipped out of her bed and rummaged through her closet to find some clothes to wear home, as I really didn't feel like walking through campus wearing my dress, everyone would know what happened last night.

"You look hot in my clothes." Her rough voice sent shivers through my bones, and I shook my head to rid myself of the flush I was gaining. 

"Be careful Tasha, because if you keep saying that, I'll take them all and you'll be left with nothing in this closet."

She giggled in reply and I stumbled around the room as I slipped into some sweats. I walked into her bathroom and took out my toothbrush and toothpaste and cleaned myself up before walking back to the closet.

"I like having you here, Desi." This woman was really feeding me with compliments this morning. 

I turned around after slipping one of her sweatshirts on and smiled at her, taking in how she was wrapped up in her bedsheets, still dishevelled from the night before, but just as beautiful.

"I didn't say I wasn't coming back, honey," I leant on the side of the bed and kissed her. "I like knowing you want me here, Tasha."

Her hand stroke my cheek as she studied my face, "If I could, I would keep you here all the time, baby. I never want to be away from you."

"Someday, love, someday."

Literature, lust and love - Professor RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now