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I woke up with the bed empty and cold, and I saw that Natasha was nowhere to be found in the room. I slipped into some of her clothes before stepping into the hallway and scanning down the corridor but I saw nothing. I picked up my phone and clicked on her unused contact, letting it ring. The call was declined after the second ring and I sat down on the bed with a huff, bad thoughts filling my head. Without thinking about it, tears started pouring out my eyes until I felt a warm pair of arms wrap around me ten minutes later.

"Desi, baby, what's wrong?"

I looked up and saw Natasha with a frown on her beautiful face.

"I thought you had left. I thought maybe you had regretted last night," I sniffled.

"Oh, baby, last night was perfect," she smiled and kissed me on the lips. "I was just talking to Yelena, just setting her straight."

"Oh," I deflated against her and she hummed happily in the hug.

"I missed you in my clothes."

"I missed it more," I retaliated.

"Not possible, my love."

"It totally is -" Natasha shut me up with her lips on mine, pushing down onto the bed. I wrapped my legs around her waist as I pulled her impossibly closer to me, desperate for anything she could give me.

As she pulled away I pouted, but Natasha pecked me on the nose so I smiled, and she gazed down at me lovingly.

"I love you so much."

Butterflies erupted in my stomach at Natasha's honesty, and her forgiveness. I knew I had a long way to go to earn back her trust, but she was amazing me in letting me feel loved from the get-go.

"I love you so much too, Tasha." I rubbed my nose on her's, and she grinned.

"You might love me a little less when I ask you this next thing."

"What is it?"

"Will you talk to Yelena?"


Natasha visibly relaxed. "Oh, that was easier than I thought it would be. Come on, baby." Natasha pulled me up and pulled me to Yelena's room, interlocking our fingers. She knocked on the door and within a few seconds, it was swinging open to reveal a sleepy-looking Yelena.

"Come in."

She ushered us in and I automatically went over to my bag and slipped on my fuzzy socks as my feet were getting cold by being barefoot. I also pulled out my favourite hoodie and gave it to Natasha, who took it with a smile and pulled it over her gorgeous red head.

"If I get yours, you can have mine."

"That's cute, baby," she cooed and pecked me on the lips. Yelena coughed and our attention was brought back to her.

"So, Desdemona..."

"I thought our friendship was real," I interupted, conscious to stay on topic.

"It was real to me too," Yelena frowned, and I couldn't help but believe her, bearing in mind she rarely showed emotions. Yelena had always been honest, obviously ignoring the one lie, which technically wasn't a lie, more an omission of truth. She wasn't a person to grovel or beg, so I knew that she was speaking honestly.


"I admit, I did start out our relationship based on lies, but when I saw that you were really hurting over Natasha, I couldn't continue. I could tell that you regretted it deeply, so how could I be mad at you? I genuinely enjoyed spending time with you, Desdemona, however idiotic you may be."

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