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Natasha slept with me every night past Christmas, and I loved waking up with her next to me, either in her arms or she in mine. I never had any trouble sleeping before, but with her, I knew I was having the best sleep of my life.

I awoke on New Year's Eve to Natasha getting out of bed and walking over to my bathroom. Her pyjamas, which were really mine, were crumpled and her red hair was a bit messy, but she was still beautiful even through my half-opened eyes.

"Morning Tasha," I murmured, watching her turn around at the sound of my voice with a big smile on her face.

"Morning Desi. I'll be back for cuddles soon, okay?"

I nodded, smiling, and sank into my pillows. I listened to Natasha bumble around my bathroom, opening cupboards and running the water.

"Hey, Des, are you awake?" A knock on my door and the sound of my mom perked me up as my heart rate jumped.

"Yeah, mom, I'm awake!"

"Can I come in?"

I glanced over to the shut bathroom door and heard Natasha turn off the water, so I knew she had heard my mom. "Uh, sure!"

Opening and closing the door behind her, my mom walked over to my bed and sat down next to me whilst I moved into a sitting position.

"What's up?"

"The sky," my mom replied with her silly smile on.

I rolled my eyes. "Very funny, mom."

"Okay, remind me not to tell jokes until you've properly woken up! Anyways, I wanted to check that you were still good to run to the store and get the fireworks for tonight?"

"Yeah, mom, I'm good. Did you really come all the way down to talk to me about that?"

Mom gave me a strange look before focusing on a random spot in my room. "You've been very discrete, I'll give you that."


"And I know I should be mad as hell, but I honestly can't be. Not when I see the way you look at each other."

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

She met my eyes finally as she said, "I know who the girl is, Desi."

My eyes widened as my stomach dropped. "You do?"

"Desi, I've never seen you look at anyone like you've looked at Natasha."

My cheeks burned as I heard my mom. Was I really that obvious?

"Besides, the first night we made gingerbread and you called her Tasha and chased her around the dining room, I knew you were more than just a professor and her student."

"Mom, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have, I just -"

"Desi, I do not want you to apologise for who you love, ever." My mom's voice was stern but her eyes were soft. "I have loved you for 20 years, I have watched you grow up into a beautiful young woman, but I have never seen you this happy. Whenever she walks into the room, you light up, and it's like she's the only person in the world. And that's all a mom could ever ask for. Now, make up for that promise, and tell me all about her."

Forgetting Natasha was in the bathroom, I started to ramble. "She's the most gentle, kind and loving person I have ever met. She puts up this front like she doesn't really care what you think, but behind it is the most beautiful soul I have ever encountered. She's loyal, caring, a bit stubborn, but always knows what's best. All I need to do is look into her eyes and I feel better, knowing that she actually sees me and loves me. She's so intelligent that I know she could do anything if she wanted to. The way she teaches is inspiring, and she really tries to be a good person to absolutely anyone and everyone, even if they don't deserve it. She listens to all my rants and never tells me that I'm stupid or silly unless she's making me laugh. And her laugh is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard, and I want to hear it for the rest of my life. She makes me feel safe and stable, and she helps take away any pain I feel. She gives the best hugs, and will always hold on longer if I want to, and I know I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but her lips are the most magical thing on this planet. Any time I let my mind wander, anywhere I go, it always leads back to her."

I finished and took a deep breath, turning to my mom who had tears in her eyes. "She's perfect, Desi."

"I know," I giggled, leaning forward to engulf her in a hug. "Thank you, mom."

"Of course, pumpkin. Now, I need to make it look like I haven't been crying so your dad doesn't think he's done something wrong!" My mom stood up and made her way to my door.

I called out, "Does Dad know?"

Mom turned around with her eyebrows raised. "Do you really think your dad's that aware? Please, you'd probably have to get married for him to realise that you were together."

A smile played on my lips.

"Don't get any thoughts just yet, Des!"

"I'm kidding, Mom!"

"See you later, pet." With that, my mom walked out and my bathroom door burst open and Natasha barrelled towards me and jumped on top of me and embraced me in a hug, burying her head in my neck. I wrapped my arms around her in an instant as I felt tears leave her eyes and drip onto my skin. She pulled back and cupped my face in her hands, and I almost smiled at her red eyes, knowing that she barely cried about anything.

"I love you so much, Desdemona Dunn." She pulled me in for a kiss and I tasted the salt as I worked away against her lips.

"I am going to marry you one day, Natasha Romanoff, you can count on that," I whispered against her lips, causing her to kiss me ferociously once more.

"You're nineteen, Desi." She pulled back and rolled her eyes at me.

"That's why I said one day, silly." I grinned, watching her lips widen into the smile I loved so much. She pushed on my shoulders causing me to fall back onto my bed, and she rolled off of me to lay next to me. We stayed in silence as I felt her trace over my shoulder whilst her eyes flitted over my face.

"What are we going to do about your mom? Should I talk to her?" Natasha whispered as she drew a line on my cheekbone.

"You could, but I know she would find it more fun to try and catch us out, she's a bit weird like that."

"I just want her to know that I never was trying to take advantage of you because that's probably what anyone would think in this situation. I mean, why else would a first-year student be interested in their professor." Natasha frowned as her finger lingered on my jaw.

"Maybe because she's super hot and can slip me the answers." Natasha's eyes flashed with indignance and I chuckled as I brushed a piece of hair behind her ear. "Tasha, she knows that I love you, and she knows that I wouldn't let you do that to me. But if you'd prefer, you could talk to her when I go get the fireworks."

She nodded, leaning down to place a kiss on my lips. "Okay, love."

Literature, lust and love - Professor RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now