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I sat at the desk in my last final, begging my mind to churn out the information I knew I knew, but I couldn't focus due to the girl sitting two rows in front of me. I watched her blonde hair flick back and forth across her back as her head tilted in thought, flicking her pen between her fingers. She sat there like she didn't have a care in the world, and that idea angered me. I used that anger to power through my history essay, wanting to do well just to spite her. The invigilator disturbed the silence when the exam was over and I heard lots of releases of breath as it sunk in that we were finally done for the year. My paper was taken from my desk and I watched Emily stand up and walk out of the hall. I grabbed my jacket from the back of my chair, picked my phone up out of the box at the front, and ran after the retreating girl.

"Emily!" I called through the hallway, a few people turning their heads in my direction at the noise, and ran up to the now stationary girl.

"Hey, Desi" she smiled, acting as if she was my friend.

"Can we walk and talk?" I pointed down a hallway I knew would eventually lead to Natasha's office where Alex and Yelena were waiting patiently for me to bring her.

"Sure thing girl!" I rolled my eyes at her enthusiasm and mentally applauded her for her acting skills. Granted I once really enjoyed her company, I now couldn't stand the thought of spending any more time with her than necessary.

"So I just wanted to ask your advice on some issues I've been having with Natasha," I started, knowing that I could easily tempt her into the conversation.

"Hit me with them." We turned around a corner and I stepped slightly further away from her, trying to escape her Victoria's Secret perfume.

"Natasha and I have been disagreeing on a lot of things lately, some small things, some bigger like our future together, and then last night she said that she wasn't sure that we were worth fighting for."

Emily hummed in thought and I watched her lips discreetly turn up into a smirk. "Well, maybe if you're having a lot of problems, it might be best for you to take a step back, maybe take a break."

"You really think?" I led her into Natasha's corridor and walked us to her open door.

"I know you've had your fun together, but did you ever think it was going to last? She was your professor after all."

"You're right, I mean, what did you call me?"

"Huh?" Emily looked at me confused and followed my eye line to see Alex and Lena sitting on Natasha's couch, scrolling on their phones.

"I'm pretty sure you called her teacher's pet," Yelena looked up from her phone, smirking at me.

"No, it was the teacher's slut, right Em?" Alex added, also looking up from his phone, his face tired and strained.

"W-what, what are you talking about, Al?" Emily stuttered, trying to step backwards, but I stood behind her with my arms crossed.

Alex stood up and towered over Emily, holding out his phone screen. "The proof is all here Em, we know you've been blackmailing Desi. We don't know why, though."

"I haven't! Why would I do that! That's crazy!" Emily laughed nervously, tucking her hair behind her eyes.

"Yes, why? Why the fuck would you try and sabotage my relationship Emily? I thought we were friends!" I cried out, making Emily flinch.

"You're not my friend."

I scoffed. "Well, clearly."

"You're my half-sister."

"What," Yelena's eye bulged out of her sockets.

"the," Alex walked even closer to us.

"fuck," I finished. "What the fuck, Emily?"

Literature, lust and love - Professor RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now