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"Не хотели бы Вы пойти куда-нибудь со мной?"

"Natasha," I whined, "I don't know what that means." I fell back into the grass as Natasha watched the stream go past, observing the reflection of the orange leafed trees that were covering us.

"You can do it, Desi, just break it down." Natasha smiled at me, giving me the confidence to try again.

"Okay," I looked down at the piece of paper, "The first part means would you, and the last bit says with me."

Natasha nodded. I picked up the dictionary until I found the right page.


She nodded again.



"Would you, like to, go, out, with me? Is that what it means?" I look up at her but she's looking nervously down in her lap. I reach over and pull her chin up with my hand so that she has to look at me. She repeats the sentence to me in her soft, low voice.

"Desi, Не хотели бы Вы пойти куда-нибудь со мной?"

I broke out into a huge smile. "да!"

"You would? Really?" Natasha looked into my eyes, searching for rejection which was not there.

I looked around, and upon not seeing another soul, I crept over and placed myself on her lap. "I would love to go out with you Natasha. Nothing would make me happier." Her arms snaked around my waist and held me to her body.

My eyes flitted between her green eyes and her pink lips until they met mine in a passionate embrace, the sound of the stream and birds becoming quiet as all my energy was put into the kiss.

"God, Desi, you are a breath of fresh air. I can't believe I found you." Natasha hummed into my neck after pulling me into a hug.

"You have certainly rocked my world, Professor Romanoff. Never did I once think that I'd be dating my professor. That being said, I have always had a thing for authority figures, soo" I giggled, gazing into her eyes.

"Does it bother you, me being a professor, your professor?"

"Not at all, it's kind of exciting, rebellious, passionate even. It's what every literature student dreams of. You are what I dream of, Natasha."

"Smooth, Desi, so smooth." Natasha laughs heartily, sending vibrations through my chest and down my spine. The effect she had on my body was unparalleled and I couldn't wait to discover the full extent of her power.

"What can I say, you fell for it!"

"That I did," Natasha confirmed, pushing me off her so that we could lay together under the canopy of trees. Our hands found each other and we lay there for a few minutes in complete serenity. I watched as birds flew between the branches and listened to the sounds of dogs in the park far behind us. Natasha and I existed in our own little bubble and I couldn't be happier in it. She made me feel safe, and loved, despite the small amount of time we had spent together. Still, I knew she was special, and I wanted to keep her forever. 

Still looking up at the trees, I said, "I really like you, Natasha."

I felt her roll over so I turned to face her, and saw her smiling at me. "I really like you too, Desi. And I can't wait for our date."

"And when is this amazing date going to be?"

"How about Tuesday? You can stop by my place and then I'll drive us."

I nodded, placing my lips on Natasha's. Natasha lived in a generous apartment on the edge of campus, but I had never actually been inside of it. It was only a 15-minute walk from my dorm, so I knew that I wouldn't mind walking there after a day of classes.

Monday and Tuesday went excruciatingly slowly, the only thing going quickly being my English class itself. Natasha had split us into discussion groups, but placed herself in mine, sitting next to me so that her hand could find my leg. While I was talking, making good points, she would stroke from my knee to my thigh, threatening to expose me as her hand lingered there. She simply plastered a smile on her face, making it look like her hand was not dangerously close to where I wanted it. Tonight's the night, I had decided then and there, she had sealed her fate.

Natasha had told me to dress fairly nicely, so I slipped into a green silk dress and my Doc Martens and put silver hoops in my ears. I put on my last bit of perfume before making my way out of my room. I ran into Emily in the hall, and she stopped in her tracks when she saw me.

"Desi, you look amazing! What's the occasion?"

"I have a date."

"Congrats, girl! Have fun okay?" She pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks, Em, I will."

I arrived at Natasha's door and rang the doorbell. As I waited, I took in the impressiveness of the apartment. The doorway was framed with stone carvings, and the white door was looming far above me. The door swung open and I had to actively stop my jaw from dropping down. Natasha was standing in front of me wearing a red bodysuit covered by a white suit. Her hair was taken back in a ponytail and her lips were shining from gloss.

"Natasha, you look absolutely amazing." I stammered, my eyes trailing up and down her body.

She stepped towards me so that I could feel her breath. "Thanks, baby. You're so beautiful. Always and in every way possible."

My breath hitched as her hand cupped my cheek, only releasing it until after she had kissed me. I tried peering into the hallway behind her but she tutted, pulling the door closed as she grabbed my hand.

"That's for later, darling. For now, follow me."

She led me to her car, and once I got in and she started driving, her hand once more found its favourite spot. The thing that was different this time was that my dress had a slit in the leg so that the pads of her fingers were actually in contact with my bare skin. I managed to keep my cool throughout the car journey, and we soon arrived at our restaurant. We pulled in front of the nicest French restaurant in town, and as the car stopped, Natasha jumped out and ran around to my door. She opened it and held out her hand, which I took graciously.

"Well, thank you my lady," I giggled as I linked my arm through hers as she locked the car with her keys before slipping them into her bag. We walked into the restaurant and waited at the door for our server to lead us to our table. My heart stopped as I saw the girl walking towards us. As our eyes met, her face fell and I took a step back.

"I can't do this." I whispered to Natasha, who was looking confused as she looked between us.

The girl walked towards us, "Hi, I'm Ella and I will be your server for the night. Do you want to follow me?"

"No." I turned around and walked out with Natasha trailing behind me, calling my name.

Literature, lust and love - Professor RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now