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I awoke to the smell of waffles cooking, and I couldn't help the smile on my face as the Christmas excitement filled my body. Stretching, I walked over to my advent calendar and took the last piece of chocolate out and munched on it gratefully. I pulled open my blinds and watched my street for a bit, looking at the sunrise and the small movements from other houses. My favourite neighbour had turned on his Christmas tree lights as I was looking out the window and I giggled at the light show that I could see in his living room. I know that Christmas means something different to everyone, but for me, I just loved the festivity and joy that it would bring every single year. 

After getting into some comfy sweats, I made my way up to the dining room and rushed over to the fully stocked table. My mom had made waffles, pancakes, eggs and bacon, and I had to hold myself back from eating absolutely everything in sight.

"Mom! This stuff looks amazing!" I called through the doorway, and she spun around and met me with a big smile.

"Morning sweetie," she replied, walking over to kiss my forehead. She manoeuvred me back towards the table, ushering me to sit down and start eating.

As I ate, I looked around the room and into the living room, where I admired all the Christmas decorations Mom and I had spent my first day back putting up. Each year, mom and dad decided on a different theme, and this year was Scandinavian. So, everything was very clean and bright, and the tree was covered in simple glass and white baubles. The cool Christmas lights flickered on the bannister and I giggled when my eyes landed on the mistletoe hanging subtly from the ceiling in the hallway. I doubt my parents suspected that I would be using it this year as well as them. I was cutting into my second Nutella waffle when I felt a presence behind me and a pair of soft hands landed on my waist.

"Hi baby," Natasha whispered before kissing me just below my ear. I shivered under her breath and turned to face her.

"Hi," I smiled, looking quickly around before kissing her lips. "I missed you."

"I was just upstairs," Natasha rolled her eyes and she sank into the chair next to me.

"I still missed you!"

"I missed you too, Desi. Now, what should I eat first?" Natasha turned to the food on the table and her eyes widened at the sheer mass of it all.

"Natasha, is that you?" My mom called from the kitchen before walking into the doorway. She met my girlfriend with a smile that she returned.

"Morning, Amy, this all looks absolutely incredible, thank you so much!"

"Oh shush, this is nothing. But listen, I could really use your help in the kitchen today if your willing."

"Of course, anything I can do to repay your kindness, sign me up for."

I butted in, "You never asked me for help, mom."

"Probably because your skill in the kitchen is awful, Desi," Natasha joked, and I gasped at her.

"Hey, you really enjoyed that pasta I made for you that one time!" I stared imploringly at my mother who was watching amused after Natasha rolled her eyes at me.

"Desi, we all know you can cook, but Dad wants your help with something in the garage, that's why I'm stealing Natasha."

"DESDEMONA!" My dad's voice rang in the air as he called to me from the doorway of the garage.

"Wow, full name, he must be impatient," my mom chuckled as she started to clear the table.

I sighed as I stood, brushing off the crumbs from my breakfast, and turned to wave goodbyes to the women in the room. I caught Natasha's soft smile and felt myself melting in her eyes like it was the first time.

"Bye ang- bye everyone," I grimaced as I tried to cover my slip up, but my mom was either too distracted to notice or didn't comment. Natasha smirked at me as I bit my lip in embarrassment.

"Bye angel," Natasha mouthed to me, mocking me as I rolled my eyes but smiled at her. I walked down to the garage and almost died when my dad threw a sander at me.

"Come on, Des! We have work to do!"

"Jesus, you could at least let me live so I can help you. I don't think the women up stairs would appreciate having to hide a dead body when everyone comes over for dinner tonight."

My dad chuckled at me and turned back to his project, a boat, and beckoned me over. We spent the next six hours working tirelessly on small bits of the mainframe, only stopping to eat when mom brought some snacks down. I enjoyed working on things with my dad, we could happily work in silence, with only the sound of the tools accompanying us, or we would have interesting discussions that kept us entertained.

"So you don't believe in love at first sight?" I asked him after we had been discussing how he met mom.

"I think it was love at first sight, but I was so shy and self conscious that I didn't let myself think that way. But when she walked into that first book club meeting, with her hair pinned up with a pencil and the book under her arm, I knew that one day I would make her mine." Dad smiled at the memory, and I just had to ruin the moment. I blew some sawdust in his direction making him cough and I laugh. "Alright, I think that's enough for the day. Go clean up and get ready for dinner while I spend time with your mom."

"Oi, oi, Dan the man!" I sing-song called as I walked out of the room, leaving my dad to groan at my intolerant teasing. Upon hearing silence on the ground floor, assuming that all the prep for dinner was finished, I made my way down to my room to get dressed and ready for dinner. I asked my Alexa to play Christmas music, and she started with the unsung hero of Christmas, Miss Kelly Clarkson. 'Under the Mistletoe' came on and I couldn't help but dance around my room as I took out my outfit from my closet. Feeling exhausted after my display of true talent, I slumped into my chair and laid out my makeup. My phone buzzed as I received a text from Alex.

Alex - Hey Des! Just checking that everything is a go for tonight?

Yup, everything seems to be prepped, so as long as your dad doesn't forget the pie like last year, we should be good!

Alex - Mom and I have been watching him carefully and he hasn't forgotten it yet.


Alex - Looking forward to spending dinner with our unexpected guest ;)

I never did thank you for bringing her here

Alex - No, you didn't.

I'm still waiting to find the perfect thank you card, something with kittens on it.

Alex - Ah, then all is forgiven. See you tonight, Des.

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