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I silently groaned when I realised I couldn't fall back asleep due to the daylight shining through the curtains. So, I turned my head to look at the redhead in my arms. I smiled at her peaceful face and gently kissed her hairline, trying to keep her asleep for as long as possible, because I knew she was tired and stressed. I was still winning her back, doing everything I could to make her life easier, whether that be running errands for work or making dinner, I wanted to do it all for her. Most of all, I just wanted to be there when she fell asleep and woke up.

"Desi, that tickles," Natasha whispered, her voice cracking in the middle of the sentence. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled when she saw me looking down at her.

"Hi baby," I kissed her forehead.

"Morning angel," she replied, nestling into my neck, placing small kisses onto it.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked, tracing my finger along her forearm.

"Waffles?" Natasha had become used to being waited on, at first she protested profusely but she soon saw that I wasn't giving up so decided that she might as well enjoy it.

"With nutella and strawberries?"

She lifted herself up and grinned down at me. "Exactly that. I'll be in the library going over my speech." She kissed me softly on my lips before rolling out of bed and trudging over to the bathroom.

I sighed at the image of her leaning over her desk, trying desperately to prepare us for our hearing with the university board since our meeting with the dean didn't go too well. He flipped out on us for lying, and I could see the hatred behind his eyes as he immediately emailed for a board meeting. Still, we had expected to be seen, and we were ready to fight with all that we had.

As I hummed along to the radio, I poured the waffle mix into the waffle iron and spun around to the cutting board where my washed strawberries were waiting. I diligently sliced them up before the waffle was ready, spinning around once more to open up the lid.

"If you spin anymore, you're going to throw up." Natasha's voice startled me but I still turned around with a smile. She walked forward towards me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "You'd make a pretty ballerina."

I laughed. "No, I wouldn't. You've seen me with your sister, we trip over each other all the time."

"Speaking of Lena, are you still okay with her coming by around 2?"

"Well I am a little jealous that you're going to be spending time together without me, but I guess I'll manage." Natasha smirked and leant forward to kiss me. "And besides, I'm looking forward to lunch with Alex and Emily, it's been a while since we've all sat down together."

"I'll miss you," Natasha hummed.

"I'll miss you more," I grinned before turning back around to our breakfast, leaving Natasha to hug me from behind, occasionally placing kisses on my shoulder.


"Shut up, I'm not kidding!" Alex shrieked at me whilst I tried to hide behind my menu after teasing him with baby photos.

"Relax, Alex, they're cute," Emily cooed, rubbing her thumb over their connected hands. We all grinned and ate more of our lunch before continuing our conversation.

"Okay, seriously, on the note of photos," I started, and Alex put down his sandwich and turned his focus onto me. "I'm thinking of giving a little present to Natasha just to cheer her up, and I was thinking of getting a nice framed photo. Does that sound good?"

Alex nodded. "For sure, I think she'd like that. She seems like the sentimental type."

"I just don't know what one to choose!" I sighed, rubbing my head. "I mean there's the one from Christmas, the one you took at cards. Or I could do the one from winter formal."

"How about that one where you're kissing on that bench? That's cute," Emily suggested, and I smiled.

"Yeah, that is cute," I replied, and Emily turned to Alex and started discussing their date plans before I could say anything else. Their chirpy noises soon turned into buzzing when I thought about the photo that Emily suggested. It was the same one that the blackmailer sent to Natasha. It couldn't be a coincidence, could it?

"I need to pee!" I interrupted them both, standing up and grabbing my purse.

"Okay, Des, no need to announce it to the whole restaurant," Alex chuckled, but I was already speeding away from the table and dialling Natasha to reply.

I slipped into a stall and listened to the ringing, pleading for her to pick up as tears pricked at my eyes. I hated that I seemed to cry at everything, but for once these tears seemed justified. If I was right, my whole world was about to turn upside down.

"You've reached the mailbox of Natasha Romanoff," I hung up at the sound of her voicemail, and now sobs were leaving my throat. I found Yelena's contact in hopes that she would pick up. She did, after the third ring, and I heard Nat laughing in the background.

"Desi, do you miss your girlfriend that much?" Yelena teased before she heard my cries.

"Please, I need Tasha," I sobbed, and I heard Yelena scramble to her sister.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Natasha's voice was tense and higher-pitched than usual.

"Emily's the blackmailer."

I heard two intakes of breath, one from each sister, and it was clear that I was on speaker. At least I wouldn't have to repeat it all again to the other sister. "How do you know?"

"She mentioned the photo, the one that was sent to you. How else would she know that existed if it wasn't her? I know it's not hard proof, but I literally can't think of another explanation. I thought she was my friend, why would she do that?" I was trying desperately to be quiet so that the whole restaurant couldn't hear me.

"That little bitch!" Yelena spat, and Natasha hummed in agreement. I could tell she was thinking, just by the sound of her deep breathing.

"Baby, where are you right now?"

"In the bathroom. Please, I don't want to be here anymore," I sniffled into the phone.

"Lena, you drive," I heard car keys being thrown. "Desi, we're gonna come get you okay? Just tell them that you feel bad or something and come wait outside for us."

"O-okay, can you stay on the phone?" I pleaded, and Natasha tutted.

"Of course, my love. Just dry your face," of course she knew I looked like a mess, she knew what crying did to me, "and walk out of there."

I did exactly what she said, grabbing a tissue and wiping it under my eyes before chucking it in the trash and walking back to the table.

"Guys, I think that lunch did something to my stomach because it's really upset, so if you could pay for me and I'll pay you back when I next see you, that would be great." I faked a queasy look, which wasn't too hard to do in my emotional state.

Alex visibly frowned and got up to hug me, but I quickly pulled out of it when Emily looked like she might do the same.

"I'm sorry, I really need the air. Enjoy the rest of your lunch though!" I rushed between the tables and pushed against the door, falling out onto the pavement outside with a deep breath. I put the phone back up to my ear.


"You were perfect, baby. We're only a minute away, now."

I just stood there, listening to the sisterly bicker over how Yelena was not going to hurt Emily despite how much we all wanted to throw a punch at her until I saw Natasha's black car pull up on the other side of the street. I ran to the passenger door and climbed onto Natasha who immediately wrapped her arms back around my waist.

"You know that's not exactly legal," Yelena chastised.

"Not now," we both answered, and I felt Natasha laugh at our synchronisation.

"We'll sort this out, Desi," I heard Natasha whisper into my hair before kissing my head gently.

Literature, lust and love - Professor RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now