Chapter 6

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Krys POV

"You know what I hate the most? The fact that we only have 2 months off. I wanted more time, and then maybe we could have made plans to go somewhere far," I said to Scarlett and Aria as we walked out of Pizza Hut. We just ate lunch and were making plans for the day.

*beep beep*

"Krys, this is the third time your phone has when off. You should probably answer whoever it is," Aria said slightly confused. She knows I always answer my phone no matter what and I always reply back to all my calls and texts.

"No, it's just my stupid brother. He's probably just asking me for money or something," I said completely annoyed.

He always does this. My brother has everything, yet he makes stupid decisions. He always comes crawling back to me for help. One day, maybe just one day, I will get the courage to tell him no. But the problem is I love him too much. I can't see him in trouble, it hurts too much.

"Um is everything okay, Krys?" Scarlett said looking at my odd expression.

"Yeah it's nothing," I said to them shaking my head from all my thoughts. I put on a fake smile. Hopefully they didn't notice, but my friends know my fake smile well enough to know that something is wrong.

"Are you sure?" Aria said cautiously.

"Yes, yes I'm fine. Don't worry 'bout it," I said brushing them off. We were walking to the nearest subway. Today, we were planning to Manhattan for a little while. It was only 15 minutes from campus anyways.

We were silent the whole subway ride. I knew my friends were probably wondering why I was acting so different today. Right when we got out into the street, my phone went off again.

*beep beep*

"Ugggghhh" I groaned. Now I was massively irritated by him. I open up my bag in search of my phone. I continued walking so I could stay caught up with Aria and Scarlett.

I stopped walking in the middle of the sidewalk. I could not seem to find my phone anywhere. People were rushing passed me as I just stay put and frustrated.

"Watch out! Watch out! Excuse me! Sorry!" I hear voices behind me coming closer.

"Krys—" I heard Aria scream, but she was too late.

The next thing I know I'm flat on my face, on the sidewalk. My bag had fallen open with all my things everywhere. It took me a while to realize what just happened.

"Oh my god, I am sooo sorry," I heard someone say. I was too busy shoving everything back into my bag. Whoever bumped into me started helping me gather all my things into my bag. When I thought I had gotten everything, I look up to see someone’s blue eyes right in front of me. I quickly look down, why did those eyes look so familiar? I slowly get up and step back to see who it was. I stubble off the sidewalk a little, when he grabs my hand to keep me from falling.

"I'm sooo sorry again," he said and I finally look at his face. It was Louis. What? Wait...what?

"LOUIS!" I shouted angrily.

"Hey it's you!" he said smiling. But I was too angry to say anything back that was beyond embarrassing.

"Well, I guess now we are even, babe. Since you bumped into me first and now I bumped into you," he said slightly laughing. He thought this was funny?!? Um no.

"No we are not even. That was so embarrassing," I said crossing my arms.

"Calm down, babe. I said I was sorry," he said as I angrily stomped over to Aria and Scarlett.

"Way to go Lou, knocking everyone over," Zayn said smacking Louis lightly on the back of his head.

"Let's go guys," I said pulling Aria's arm like a 5 year old.

"Krys, why are you being so rude? Calm down," Scarlett said to me.

"I'm not being rude. Let's go." I said turning around to walk away.

"Sorry about Krys, again" Aria said to the group of boys. She grabbed my arm to keep me from leaving.

"Well, we'll just be going now," Scarlett said politely. I just continued to frown. We waved bye and turned to walk away.

"Sorry 'bout bumping into you," I heard Louis yell as we walked away. I didn't respond, but I couldn't help but I glanced behind me. A huge crowd had gathered around the boys after we left. I guess they were running away from paparazzi.

Author's Note: Sorry if the past few chapters weren't as funny. I promise it'll get better. I hope you guys liked the little cute moment there hehe ;) there's more to come. By the way since my chapters are so short there is gonna be a lot of chapters so please bare with me and keep reading. Love you guys. And follow me on twitter @forever_1D_23 I can tweet you every time I update! :)xx

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