Chapter 27

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Aria's POV

It had been two days since the boys left and they were all we could think about. Krys hasn't been herself for a long time now. She's never at our apartment either. She leaves early in the morning and then comes back to sleep. At first we thought it was because of Louis leaving, but now I think there's something else going on that she won't tell us. She says that she's been visiting her brother. I think Scarlett and I just decided to wait until she told us, instead of bothering her about it.

Scarlett's been moping around with me. Zayn and Harry called us the night they arrived. But we haven't really talked since then. They still send us cute text messages but because of the time difference we always end up replying back too late.

Tomorrow we are all going back home to our families. It's going to be weird going home after so long. Not really sure if I'm excited. I was in my room packing my things, when I heard someone come in. It was Krys.

"Hey, Krys! Where have you been?"

"Oh you know...around. I went to see Jake." She looked a bit flustered. I could tell by the way she was continuously looking down. "I should probably go pack for tomorrow," she said rushing over to her room.

"I'm back!" Scarlett walked in with our lunch.

"So Krys is home," I whispered to her. "She's acting weird again. Do you think we should ask her what's wrong?"

"Um...I don't know. Maybe she will just tell us herself."

I grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V. We started unpacking our lunch. I realized that we eat out way too much. I guess it'll be nice to go home to my mom's cooking.

"Krys! We have lunch," I yelled from the kitchen. She came back in, avoiding our stares. "So how are you?" I tried to sound casual but she knew what I was referring to.

"I'm good. It's just...stuff going on brother and...tomorrow we are all going back home so I'm just a bit nervous," she said messing with her hair. She took it out of a bun and then tried to put it up again. I don't know why she does that her hair is perfectly fine the way it is.

We all sat around eating and talking. It was nice; I missed this. We have been so caught up with the boys that I never really realized how much we were missing out with each other. After we finished eating Scarlett got a phone call. When she saw who it was her face went pale.

"Who is it, Scar?" I asked.

"'s no one. Um...I'll be right back." She got up and went to her room without another word. Krys was also on her phone. What is up with these two?

Krys's POV

I feel awful. I still haven't told Aria and Scarlett anything. I'm surprised that they don't hate me. I completely ditched them at the concert, and I was barely around the past few days. I haven't even told them about Jake.

The day Louis and I got in that fight I had to go find my brother in prison. At first I was so angry that I didn't even want to help him, but for some stupid reason I just cannot say no. He always does this. He gets involved with the wrong kind of people and then he asks me to come and help him. His roommate was selling drugs and he got taken in too.


"I hate you so much," I said rushing out of the most horrifying place. "I can't believe you did this. I don't even want to talk to you or look at you or even have you near me." I got to my car and began fumbling with the keys.

"Krys, just...listen to me." I finally got the car open and sat down inside.

"I don't even want to fucking hear this right now, Jake. I'm so pissed off at you. Get your ass in the car now!" He looked at me with a shocked expression. He could tell I was super pissed because I never cuss this much. He quickly got in the car. I couldn't take it anymore.

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