Chapter 33

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Aria's POV

"Hey did you get the coffee?" Krys asked me, but I wasn't focused. I nodded and she took the coffee from my hands. "I'll take that, thank you," she said and sat down on the sofa flipping through channels on the TV. I walked passed her to my room. I was just dying to read this magazine and I don't even know why.

I walked into my room and closed the door. After pulling out the magazine I sat down on my bed. I flipped to the article that was about Harry. I could tell by the looks of it that it was all rumors, but I was still tempted to read it.

The first page was all about me and Harry. How did they even find out about me? They still haven't figured out my last name though, I snickered to myself.

I skimmed through the article. It had quotes from Harry all from different interviews. They were all vague hints about how he was seeing someone. I found it amusing how these people who I don't even know are trying to put together my life like a puzzle. I bet the fans probably know way more about me than this silly magazine. That scares me, but I give them credit for such dedication at the same time.

I flipped over to the next page. And that's where I saw it...the picture of Harry with that girl. Something boiled up inside me and I wanted to cry or scream. What's wrong with me?!?

Harry Styles, from the popular boy band One Direction, has officially confirmed that he is not single. But who is this boy really seeing?

I was gagging at this already, but part of me wanted to keep reading.

After being spotted multiple times in America with a curly haired brunette, rumored to be named Aria, Harry Styles has now been seen with another girl. This mystery girl's name is still unknown. Looks like Mr. Styles is having fun playing leap frog across the countries. Who knows who the next girl will be?

I cringed at the way they portrayed him. I looked down at the other picture, this was a side view. The girl's long blonde hair was covering her face. Harry's arm was around her guiding her away from the people. I didn't want to jump to conclusions but…pictures don't lie.

I look over at the next page and see a close up of Harry's eyes. They didn't look like his usual comforting green eyes, these seemed vicious and unknown to me. A zoomed out version of the picture showed him with his fists tightly clenched. One fist was inches away from a man's face and the other was holding his shirt. There were more pictures of him clutching a beer bottle in one hand with his head down. I didn't know what to make of all this.

Sources say that Harry Styles was seen starting fights at a local bar. After he was threatened to be kicked out, he seemed to have calmed himself. According to an anonymous witness, "He was just screaming at people for no reason. It was extremely rude if you ask me." Wonder what has got this boy band star so fired up. He better get his act together or it could go downhill for One Direction.

I quickly closed the magazine and threw it across the bed. That was a waste of my time. I know all of that was a lie. The girl was probably just a friend and the fight was probably because of something that the other man said first. Right?

I tried to unpack my clothes from my trip home and do my laundry. But for some reason I couldn't get that stupid magazine out of my mind. Maybe I should just ask Harry. I mean I'm sure he has some sort of explanation. He won't think I'm jealous...will he? What if he thinks that I'm obsessive and that I actually look for magazine articles about him? I should just forget about this all. If I bring it up it could just go out of control.

As if on cue my phone began to ring. I took a deep breath and reached for it. It was Harry. My finger hovered over the decline button...but I couldn't do it.

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