Chapter 37

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Krys's POV

He's coming back today. He's coming back with the rest of the boys and this time they are going to be staying longer. I couldn't hide the excitement that I felt. I quickly got ready this morning, earlier than usual.

"Eager much?" I heard Aria say from behind me as I poured in some cereal into a bowl. "You never wake up this early."

"Hey! I know your excited too so don't try and hide it." I could see her smiling to herself. We sat on the sofa talking, and eating our breakfast. I flipped through the channels on the TV till I drove Aria insane and she snatched the remote from me. We watched The Big Bang Theory until we heard the two love birds wake up.

"Took you long enough," I said to Scarlett as she dragged herself to the kitchen. "Long night?" I knew I was smirking and I could hear Aria giggling next to me. It took a while for Scarlett to realize what I was referring to...she always was a slow one. When it finally hit her, her eyes widened and she gave me a stern look. Zayn walked in still looking sleepy as usual.

"Did you hear anything from the boys?" Aria asked him.

"I haven't checked my phone."

"Well go check it then," I said too quickly, before my brain could even process.

"Krys!" Scarlett says, frowning at me. I shrug my shoulders and flip through the TV again. My mind kept jumping back and forth between my excitement for Louis coming back and my mother's nonstop calls about this stupid dinner party. I know she's going to force me to go.

"That's great! We should leave soon then," I heard Aria say.

"Wait what?" I didn't even realize that I zoned out.

"Zayn got a text from Niall that said that their supposed to land in an hour. We should get going soon because there will be traffic." I check my phone, but I didn't get any texts.

"Why didn't they tell us?"

"They probably want to surprise you guys," Zayn said. "And I would just wait here because the airport will be way too crowded."

"Fine," Aria sighed and took the remote from me once again. I didn't mind though because I usually enjoy whatever she puts on.

*buzz buzz*

Great. Another call from my mom. I'll let this one go to voicemail...again.


"We're here!" Harry says as one by one they walk in. I wait for him to walk in anticipation clear on my face. The second I see him walk in, with his fringe tucked into a beanie and a duffle bag over his shoulder, I practically jump out of my seat.

I run across the room and latch my arms around him. I could smell tea on his coat, which he probably spilled. As he rubbed his head into my neck, a blissful feeling spreads throughout me. I missed him...and by the way he wasn't letting me go...I could tell he missed me too.

"So are you all done yet? Our pizza is about to come," Scarlett said breaking our hug. I felt myself blush a little even though I was just with my friends. I didn't realize that Harry and Aria were also hugging each other.

"Yes! Pizza!" Niall screams. It only took a few minutes for our pizza to arrive and we all sat around eating.

It was like old times. With our usual bickering over what to watch, we spent the time talking and joking around instead. The boys told us about their tour.

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