Chapter 16

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Krys's POV

I stayed locked in my room for hours. Everyone was slowly giving up on trying to get me to come out. I didn't mind because I wanted to be alone. I have a bad habit of running away from my problems and ignoring them. My lips were numb from biting at them for so long. It was really late now, and I was starving. I decided to sneak out to the kitchen, since it was dead silent.

I tip-toed out my room and shuffled quietly towards the kitchen. It was dark and eerily quiet. Were Scarlett and Aria even home? I made it to the kitchen and began to grab a ton of snacks. I was too lazy to make an actual dinner. I held all the bags of snacks in my hands, and made my way out the kitchen and to my room.

"I see you," I heard someone say. I dropped all the bags in shock. He began to laugh at my clumsiness.

"Shit! Louis, you scared me! What are you doing here?!?"

"Your friends left to go somewhere with the boys, but they didn't want to leave you here alone so I decided to stay," he said walking over to help me clean up my mess.

"Well I don't know why they didn't want me to be alone? I'm perfectly fine," I said faking a smile.

"I don't believe you," Louis said giving me a look.

"Fine. Don't believe me. I don't care," I said trying to get past him, but he mirrored my movements blocking me. "Louis. Move."

"No. Not until you agree to talk," he said with a serious look on his face. I ignored him and tried to run around him, but failed. I let out a sigh of defeat, but I still didn't want to talk. So I sat in the middle of the kitchen floor, and opened up a bag of chips.

He started laughing, and sat down next to me on the kitchen floor. "Really? You're so stubborn," he said still laughing. We sat on the floor in silence for a while. He took some chips from my hand, but I didn't object.

"You know he always does this. Jake. He always creates drama, finds some way to ruin my life. I don't even know why he can't just give me space." I held my head in my hands as I tried to hold back my tears. "You know, I know why he came here too. I could see it in his eyes and he even texted me a few minutes ago. I feel so bad now," I began to sob uncontrollably. I probably made no sense to him. He probably thinks that I'm crazy.

"It's because of my mom. That's why he came here," I said quietly. I was afraid to continue. I never really talked about this with anyone, except Aria and Scarlett, but even they don't know the whole story. He saw me hesitating.

"It's okay, love," he whispered. I kept my head down, too afraid to look up at him.

"My have these crazy fights. Not like an argument, but they actually go out of control. It's really bad. It's another reason why I left, and that's also why Jake left too. Jake lives with his stupid druggie friends. When my parents have a really bad fight, my mom leaves my dad and then goes to Jake's house and stays there for a while. She always ends up going back though because she has nowhere else to go. It kills me to see her so helpless," I said between my cries.

My tears hit the kitchen floor. Louis had his arms wrapped around me, holding me still, but I was still shaking. I can't believe that I just told him everything. I regretted it already.

"I'm sorry for telling you all this. I don't know why I'm so stupid, telling you all my problems. I'm just sitting here and crying in front of Louis Tomlinson. I don't even understand this?!? Why are you even here?"

"Don't call yourself stupid okay. I mean it. You are not stupid. I may be Louis Tomlinson, but right now I'm here for you because I want to be," he said looking into my eyes. His blue eyes seemed too perfect to be true. I tried to say something, but I couldn't get any words out. He held my hands in his, and for a moment I forgot everything. I forgot where we were. I forgot what we were saying. Then reality swarmed my mind again.

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