Chapter 29

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Aria's POV

The trip was long, way too long. Even though I talked with Harry through most of the bus ride, I still had time to be bored out of my mind. When I finally arrived, I had to get a taxi home.

I walked into the house and it was dead silent. I knew they were home, but they were all probably in their separate rooms.

"Hello?" I said walking in with my bags.

"Oh look who finally decided to visit." My mother came in and stared at me for a moment. "When did you get that?" She asked pointing at my tattoo.

"Oh well nice to see you too," I said sarcastically as I dragged my bags farther into the house. "I got it a while back."

"Well it's hideous. You have to get rid of it," she scoffed.

"Excuse me? In case you forgot, mom, but you can't keep telling me what to do." She rolled her eyes and left me there by the door with all my bags. Well that was a great way to be greeted.

I took my bags upstairs to my old room. When I got in I could barely recognize it. The walls were painted a different color, my things were all put away, and all the furniture was rearranged. I somewhat expected it to be different because my mom hated the way I kept my room. I dropped my bags in the corner and fell back onto the bed. Then I heard a knock on my door; I quickly sat up.

"Aria! How are you?" My older brother said walking in.

"Hey, Derek, what are you doing here?"

"I heard you were coming to visit so I decided I would too. I haven't seen my little sister in a long time," he said giving me a hug. Wow, looks like Derek has changed a lot. "So how's the big college life coming along for you?"

"It's been good. But it's kinda hard to live up to such high expectations that a certain someone has set," I said referring to him. I got up and started unpacking my bag as he made himself comfortable on my bed.

"It's not my fault I'm perfect."

"Oh shut up." I threw a shirt at him. "Now leave my room."

"Okay, fine. I'll let you unpack. But we're eating dinner soon so come down when you’re done," he said leaving the room. After putting away the majority of my things I walked downstairs. I could already smell the food.

"It smells good, mom," I said casually as I sat down.

"Why thank you. Looks like you actually appreciated something I did, for once." I ignored her comment. Dad came running down the steps.

"Aria, you're home. I've missed you honey," he said as he put on his tie. "I have to run to a meeting today, but I will talk to you when I get back." He quickly grabbed his things and left. Mom was still in an irritable mood. I could tell by the way she was frowning the second dad left.

"Well isn't anyone going to set the table?"

"Okay, I'll do it." I got up and started to set the table. We all sat down and ate, but there was awkward tension in the air.

"So how are your classes going?"

"They're good."

"I hope you are doing well because this isn't high school anymore. This will determine the rest of your life."

"Yes, mom, I know."

"And how are you even affording to live with those girls? They are such a distraction to you. I bet Krystal is paying for it all." I tried to control my temper, but it just gets too hard.

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