Chapter 23

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Scarlett's POV

Ever since I saw the missed call from Sam my mind has just been somewhere else. She texted me later on that night asking how I was doing and that we should "catch up sometime." I could have sworn I deleted her number from my phone a long time ago. Why does she want to hang out anyways? Doesn't she remember the deal we made with her?


"Listen Sam can you just stay out of our lives and we'll stay out of yours."

"You know it's not that easy Scar," she said smiling. "The other two may not understand but we have a special bond, something that no one can break." She knew that I was the weak one, but its true Sam and I were so close. But she hurt me too much.

"No Sam. This is it. I can't forgive you after what you told my parents."

"Oh come on. It was a simple joke. You need to just chill sometimes."

"No Sam that was not a joke. None of it is. All the lying and sneaking around and getting in trouble may be something that you like but I can't take it anymore."

~end flashback~

"Scar? Scarlett?" I heard Krys calling my name. I walked out of my room over to where they were standing.

"Yeah. What's up?"

"I've been calling you for so long."

"Sorry I kinda zoned out. But what is it?" They were both giving me suspicious looks, but I ignored them.

"We were gonna ask you what your plans were today? We were thinking that maybe we could go out shopping? You know the three of us?" Aria asked. She smiled and sat down next to me.

"I actually have plans with Aleezah. It's her last day here so we were gonna grab some coffee. You guys can join us if you like?" I offered. I was hoping that they didn't notice how distracted I was.

"Nah it's okay. We'll just go to the mall. C'mon Krys let's get ready."

"Why so early?" Krys whined. They got up and walked to their rooms.

I went back to my room and grabbed my phone. I texted Aleezah asking her when she wanted to get coffee. Right after it sent I got a text from Zayn.

From Zayn:

Wanna come over?? xx

At the sight of his text a smile spreads on my face. I couldn't even stop it. I quickly texted him back.

To Zayn:

I would love to but im goin out to get some coffee w/ Aleezah. Maybe afterwards?

I dropped my phone on my bed and started to get ready. When I checked my phone again Zayn had texted back saying that he would pick me up. Aleezah also texted saying that she will be at Starbucks soon.

I decided to walk there since it was nice. Also because I needed to clear my head. I still haven't texted Sam back. I didn't know what I could possibly say to her.

When I finally got there I saw Aleezah sitting at a table with her coffee. I quickly ordered and joined her.

"Heyyyy. Well don't you look cute today," I said to her admiring her cute outfit.

"Thanks. I thought that since it was my last day in New York, might as well look cute right." We laughed and talked for a while. She was telling me her story about how she went site seeing, but I wasn't really paying attention.

"-- now right as I was about to fall my phone starts to ring and it was Sam."

Wait did she just say Sam? Am I hearing things or what?

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