Chapter 34

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Aria's POV

I stood there in the dark with his hand still wrapped around my wrist. He brought his other hand to my cheek and wiped away my tears.

"H-Har-" I couldn't say a thing. I was pulled into his arms. My tears soaked his shirt instantly. We stood there, completely still, for as long as I could remember.

"Don't ever try anything like that again." His voice was low and shaky, but I could tell from his words that he was serious. "I don't know what I would do without you." My eyes were stinging from all my tears. But I could no longer keep them open. He noticed how tired I was and walked me to my room. I wanted to thank him but I couldn't find my voice.

As I got into my bed, I was still shaking a little. I forced my eyes shut, letting a few tears spill out. I felt him come onto the bed next to me. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.


When I woke up the next morning, I couldn't wrap my head around what happened last night. I was out of my mind; I didn't know what I was doing. I tried to get up when I saw Harry's arms wrapped around me.

He was fast asleep. His hair was covering his face. I had an urge to push his hair back but I didn't want to wake him. My face was sticky from all my tears from last night. I quietly slipped out of the bed and walked over to the mirror.

I looked in at my reflection and cringed. My hair was all over the place and my eyes were swollen and red. I hated looking at myself but I could get myself to look away. I wanted to rip the mirror off the stand. I hated everything about myself. I felt a tear escape my eyes.

I look behind me at the sleeping boy. I still don't know what he was doing here last night, but I do know that he saved my life.

I sat on the edge of the bed replaying all the events from yesterday. I didn't know what to do or what to say to everyone. Can I just hide in my room for the rest of my life? I got off the bed and changed out of my ratty old t-shirt into another old t-shirt, but this one smelled better. I could seriously care less about how I looked right now; I was too stressed about what everyone will say.

I was unintentionally pace around the room when I tripped over something. I quickly caught myself before I fell.

"Aria?" I heard him say in his morning voice. My heart ached at the sound of his voice. I looked back at him and he was rubbing his eyes. He looked up and smiled, but after seeing the distressed look on my face his smile disappeared.

"We need to talk," I said in a low voice. He nodded and got up. I picked at my finger nails and continued to look down.

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom, okay?" I nodded. I didn't want to admit it but I was too scared to go back to that horrid bathroom. He walked towards the door, but stopped and turned around for a second. I looked up at him. I could tell by his face that he wanted to say something, but he decided against it and left.

After a few minutes of me panicking in my head, he walked back in. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked directly at me. I was getting extremely nervous, as if I wasn't already.

"So..." He was waiting for me to say something, but I didn't know what to say.

"Um...last night...I just want to explain-" He raised his hand to stop me from continuing.

"You don't have to explain that to me, Aria. It's really me who needs to be explaining." I wanted to object but he didn't let me. He gestured for me to sit beside him on the bed.

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