Above it all

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Hi! I swear I only write oneshots yearly now but I have lots more planned! This one is around 8200 so strap yourself in for the long haul haha.
TW: Graphic sex scenes please do not read if you're uncomfortable with that

Gellert POV:

Sex. That was all anyone ever talked about lately and it was started to get on my nerves if I was being honest with myself. It was like some curse had wormed its way through my school and now what they cared about more than anything; family, friends and even liquor was having sex. It was as if you couldn't even get through a normal conversation without someone making it about it, one minute you're talking about what curses will make the first years squirm and suddenly it turns into what the six years got up to that evening.

I just don't understand it and I feel like the only one who simply does not care- I mean-for me it's just not as fulfilling as everyone describes it to be so I just don't bother at all unless I'm bored.

Clearly, this activity is beneath me and while everyone lusts constantly over one another I am the only one with a clear head and mind of all that talk. It makes me feel ill as I hear the stupid creaking of a bed in the next room as I'm trying to peacefully enjoy immersing myself in a book while these animals lose themselves in something that isn't even there. They're so desperate for pleasure they don't even care how loud they are as the creaking just keeps increasing in volume as does their own begs before I cast an enchantment on the wall allowing me to go back to my reading.

Sex is probably the most pointless act you could ever partake in and quite frankly, it's gross.

I had just turned the page of the textbook when suddenly the door to my dorm flew open, my roommate and some random girl tumbled in, flustered and smiley until they saw me which is when they sheepishly glanced at one another.

'Oh, Gellert,' Klaus said, his tone clearly off as his breathless voice struggled to start a conversation I didn't want to be apart of.

'Mhm?' My eye's flickered up from the first word to see the states they were in.

Klaus let go of the hand of the girl and scratched the back of his neck under his thick, black locks which were streaming down his shoulder which was strange since he almost always wore a ponytail to keep that at bay, 'I thought you'd been expelled,'

I scoffed, 'They couldn't get rid of me that easily now. I leave in two days time,'

'Ah,' Klaus was at least attempting to sound sympathetic unlike everyone else but still was failing slightly as he kept looking around the room.

'Did you need something?' I asked, lowering my book from my face.

Klaus awkwardly replied, 'Vell ve just thought the room vas going to be free so.....'

'So?' I said mockingly, pretending to be oblivious if he situation.

'I mean, not to kick you out but you could alvays study in the library,' He suggested.

I clicked my tongue, 'And you could alvays have sex in the library, in fact, I'm sure people do, there's alvays a 20% chance I'll find a condom vithin each page,'

Klaus rolled his eyes, 'Come on, just leave! Please?'

I stayed sat in my sit, crossing one leg over and the other and said, 'I don't think so, I was actually just getting comfortable,'

Defeated, Klaus grabbed the girl's hand and finally said, 'Fine, but don't expect me to fucking miss you.'

'Bye bye!' I waved, watching the two selfish beings leave my dorm with the feeling of satisfaction clouding my brain. Today one thoughtless act stopped, tomorrow the world's!

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