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Albus POV:

Pride month was here and I was ready to let myself go. It's no secret that I'm homosexual and I don't go out of my way to hide it, I relish in the fact because it's a part of who I am. It's the fourth day now that I've been wearing my pride flag especially for the month. I treat it as a coat and take it off during lessons but wear it as a scarf in between walking to classes and as a sort of cape during social times. Everything had been basically fine, sure, there had been a few homophobic comments like people calling me 'queer' which is something I don't usually take offence to but it was the way they said it. Someone also tried to pull my flag off me and I swear I almost punched them but they got away before I could. Me wearing my flag has encouraged 3 other people, 2 of them I don't even know, to wear there's too. Today I was sat in the canteen because it was raining outside and like I usually do I was wearing my flag cape style in the canteen. People judge at first but do I care? No! Suddenly a teacher appeared at my side, 'As lovely as your flag is, it's against school rules so you need to take it off.' She informed me, her annoying heels clicking on the wooden floor as she left. I wasn't going to take it off, not now, not ever. It was a few minutes before the headteacher made her way over...the actual headteacher. All eyes went to me as she spoke, 'You need to take your flag off it's against school rules.' She nodded, already infuriating me.
'Why? What's the problem with it?' I asked, I don't give a damn she's the headteacher, I won't let her tell me what I can and can't do.
She sighed, 'You wearing this flag is you saying that gay people are different and you're making gay people feel like they're different by wearing it. I want to normalise gay people and you wearing that is saying they're different. This school is very accepting and-'
Elphias, Who was sitting next to me, scoffed, 'No it's not.'
'No,' I agreed.
'Really? Do you really think that?' The headteacher replied, acting surprised. Does she not realise that her telling me to take off my flag is exactly my point, this school is not accepting. 'Maybe we should talk about setting up a support group or something?' She nodded thoughtfully before adding, 'but you still can't wear that.' And left. Meanwhile, another teacher had told the two girls to take their flags off and they had complied, my friend also removing her flag. I was the only one left. The teacher took a seat next to me, clearly wanting to pester me too
'Why are you wearing that?' He asked me bluntly, race coursing through my veins.
'It's pride month.' I replied through gritted teeth.
'And I get that but if you can wear that then why can't I wear my jeans?' He asked, is this bitch seriously comparing me celebrating who I am to his casual wear?
'Because you're not aloud to.' I responded.
'Exactly! That isn't part of your school uniform.' He grinned, oh how I wanted to wipe the smile off his smug face.
'Neither are coats.'
'But that isn't a coat,'
'It's like one.'
He pulled a face, 'it's not keeping you warm.'
'It's another layer isn't it?' I shrugged.
'Look,' he started, 'I'm respecting your opinion but...you're not really respecting mine.'
Is this bitch for real? How is he being respectful to me? He continued, 'You're purposely drawing attention to yourself saying you're unique and different and you're not caring about their opinions.'
'Why should I care?' I asked
'You're only thinking about yourself.' He replied, how the fuck is this bothering anyone if it is that's their problem. 'School isn't the place for making statements, if you can wear that then why can't someone wear an English football flag?' Oh I don't know, maybe because that's a football game and I'm celebrating the fact I now have fucking rights?
I sighed, 'where does it say in the school policy that we shouldn't wear flags?'
'Use your common sense.' He said. So now he's calling me dumb, does he know I'm in the top 10% at school? Clearly not. 'If you don't take it off then I'll have to confiscate it.' He left after that to eat his lunch and Elphias came back from talking to the two girls who were also wearing flags.
'They made a valid point you know.' He said, 'they said if people can wear different socks on down syndrome day and green on environmental awareness day then why can't we wear pride flags on pride month.' He explained and I completely agreed. It's so unfair.
I tried to stop them but tears spilled from my eyes, quickly wiping them away I stated, 'I'm wearing it tomorrow, they can put me in isolation but I'm not taking my flag off.' I furrowed my brow, packing up my stuff and tying my flag around my neck before leaving. I said goodbye to Elphias as we had different classes and walked down the halls. When I went to walk past the windowed doors to the teachers corridor and saw the Head Teacher staring directly at me in annoyance since I still had my flag. I gave her the most fakest, patronising smile possible before walking past, feeling more determined to wear it tomorrow.

Sorry I know this is probably written terribly and there's no Gellert but I had to vent about this in some other way because I'm just so mad. This is based on something that actually happened to me when this is posted 2 days ago but I'm writing it the day it happened. Them saying that literally means they think homophobia doesn't exist anymore! Like we celebrate being ourselves because we are aloud to be now but we weren't. Yes we want it normalised but you have to remember that straight people always had rights and gay people are still fighting for them so actually fuck off. My school do not value individuality at all and are basically saying we can't be unique, well sorry but that's not me and I'm going to be my god damn self no matter what anyone else thinks or says. How dare they try and make me feel self conscious.
As Ru Paul's said 'What other people think about me is none of my goddamn business!'
I will keep fighting, whether that means getting in trouble I don't care!

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