Why is the world so cruel?

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This mentions some pretty intense things so if you're uncomfortable with that then don't read this, I think it's really horrible that anyone should be subjected to it and it's wrong to do that to anyone especially if it's for something that isn't even wrong.


Gellert POV:

I could tell he was keeping something from me. I know we agreed to keep our affection a secret but he acted on edge all the time and he rarely wanted to go out in public with me. I understand why we should be cautious but he just constantly over reacts about the smallest of things. It pains me to see him like that, he worries a lot anyway but he's usually so happy, I don't like seeing him so panicky. Makes me feel like we are doing something wrong...then again I guess most people would think we are if they knew. I decided to confront him about it.
'Albus.' I whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek.
'Yes.' He blushed.
'Ve need to talk.' I drew away, trying to being serious.
'About?' He smiled.
'Is there...a reason you're alvays so.....uptight about people finding out about us?' I asked, deciding to just be upfront.
His smile faded and shook his head.
'You can tell me.' I reassured him.
He looked deeply into my eyes for a few moments, I could see the fear...why was he so scared to tell me?
'I can't talk about it,' he whispered, breaking eye contact.
'And I'm not going to pressure you to,' I took his hand, 'I just vant you to know you can trust me, Im here for you.'
Albus nodded, 'I know...it's just.....hard.'
'I get it.' I nodded, tracing circles on his hand.
There was a pause before he finally spoke, 'I was twelve.'
He was going to tell me?
'And...I was on holiday with my family, for the summer.' He frowned, 'we were walking in the street and...' his face suddenly crumpled as tears streamed down his face. I pulled him into my arms, letting him sob into my shirt. 'Sorry' he cried, his words muffled.
'It's fine.' I felt bad, I rubbed his back as he tried to compose himself.
He sat up, 'we were w-walking in the street a-and.' He repeated shakily, 'there were two men, they hadn't done anything wrong...but they were stood in front of a crowd and...' he looked like he was about to cry again but he stopped himself and carried on. 'There was another man who was carrying out the whole thing and he shouted at them.' He drew a breath, 'declare your sins or you will be punished.' He wiped his eyes, 'they wouldn't let go of each others hands no matter what he said. S-So t-hey w-were.' He sobbed, burying his face in his hands.
'Albus, that's horrible.' My arms strengthened around him.
'I just don't want that to happen to us!' He cried, tears quickly escaping his eyes.
'It von't, I'd never let that happen to you, to us.'
He drew away, his long, dark eyelashes wet with tears, 'promise?'
'I promise.' I nodded, letting him rest on my chest as I laid back on the duvet of my bed. My hands ran through his fiery red hair as he gasped for air, trying to calm him down. Once his breathing was back to normal his eyes met mine.
'Why is the world so cruel Gellert?'
'Because...muggles ruin everything.'
'But, it's not just them.' He shook his head, 'my brother-'
'You're brother is a dick.' I said bluntly
'Vhat? I'm being honest.' I shrugged.
'He knows, Gellert.' Albus raised his eyebrows, 'about us.'
'Vhats he going to do about it?' I don't see his petty brother as a threat, if anything he's the same worth as those muggles. 'I told you I'm not going to let anything happen to you.' I held him tighter, 'it's just you and me Albus.'
His eyes watered, 'I love you.'
'I love you too.' I smiled, leaving a kiss on his head.

This is the last thing I'll be posting this week, I'll be back on the 31st with the next oneshot and the 30th for my main series.
Look forward to it :)

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