Summer Sun

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Albus POV:

It had been rainy for the past weeks and that was all I would complain about. I wanted to go outside, I wanted to sit in the garden, I wanted to be free from this miserable house. Unfortunately, my wish came true. I say unfortunately because of course a giant fucking heat wave decided to hit Godric's Hollow. It was hard to breath let alone function. Of course us Brit's love to complain about the weather no matter what temperature but it was normallt rain. This was just weird. My usual attire was starting to be uncomfortable with the roaring heat. Shirt, waist coat. It was quite unbearable. Poor Gellert was finding it hard to cope with all my complaining.

'Gelleeeeert!' I groaned, laying down in the thick luscious grass.

He looked up from his current read, 'Vhat?'

I squinted up at him, 'It's too hot!'

Rolling his eyes, he replied, 'Vhat do you vant me to do about it,'

I groaned again in desperation, pulling at my shirt which had become uncomfortably stuck to my skin.

Gellert watched me out of the corner of his eye, 'Albus vhat the fuck are you doing?'

'Trying to survive.'

'Brits and their fucking veather.' He muttered and got back to his book.

I stopped since the very little energy I had was making me feel drained as I pointlessly tugged at my clothing. The sparkle of the glittering lake caught my eye, the desire to feel cooler becoming urgent, 'Gelleeeeert!'

He ignored me.

'Gelleeeeeeeert!' I called again.

He ignored me again.

I huffed in annoyance, 'God this blaring heat is really atrocious isn't it Gel?'

I could tell he was getting annoyed with my complaints.

'I mean I'm just melting in this unusual weather.'

He sighed.

'It's so hot and sticky and humid and-'

Gellert slammed his book shut and closed his eyes, turning to me, 'vould you like me to come in the vater vith you?'

I smiled sweetly up at him, 'my! What a splendid idea!'

Gellert started to unbutton his shirt, 'Stop trying to sound stupidly British.'

I frowned, 'that's my accent.'

He shook his head, pulling off his shirt to reveal his perfectly toned body. He walked over to the lake leaving me, mouth wide open (lmao) Gellert stopped near the edge and turned around, 'Are you coming?'

I snapped out of my daze and nodded, eagerly stripping myself and running over to him. We laced our hands together before jumping in. The cold water hitting my skin like ice to fire as I splashed Gellert gleefully. He also looked happy about being cold, he must have only been grumpy because of the heat because he actually laughed before splashing me back.

'Finally!' I swam up to him, wrapping him in a hug, 'I can hug you now.'

Suddenly, my head was dunked under the water and I couldn't breath, water flooding through my nose and ears. I flapped around for a few seconds, the more I tried to breath the more water entered my body. The pressure on my head was lifted and I rose to the surface immediately.

Gellert laughed evilly, 'Needy.'

I coughed and spluttered, I flattened my red, saturated hair behind my ear and tried to snort out the water. By this point, Gellert was laughing uncontrollably like a mad man, I think he was actually crying. I smirked, shaking my head vigorously like a dog so that the water from my hair sprayed out. Gellert held his hands out pointlessly trying to avoid it.

'You're so mean!' I scowled, swimming off.

'Come back Albus!' He chuckled, swimming after me.

I looked behind to see him drawing near. I sped up my previously lazy strokes in order to go faster but Gellert was dangerously close. I moved my arms so fast that I was starting to get tired whilst Gellert chased me around the lake.

'Gellert no!' I shouted out in protest to which he responded with a cackle of victory as he pulled my feet so my body was yanked backwards towards him. He spun me round and cradled me in his arms.

'Got ya!' He left a quick kiss on my lips as he held me in the water.

I crossed my arms, 'not fair.'

He smiled, 'Awwww, you're cute vhen you're mad.'

I blushed, 'sh-shut up.'

Gellert walked around keeping his body underwater as well as me. It was silent apart from the sound of water brushing past me with every step he took. An idea popped into my head as I waited for the right moment. As soon as Gellert looked unalert, I slammed my hands onto his face as he fell back, dropping me but since I was prepared, I landed. Before he could come up, I gripped his hair and kept him underwater for a few moment before he came back up. He reacted just as I did when he did the same to me.

'Son of a bitch.' He coughed out.

I giggled, 'Taste Of your own medicine!'

I shook his head dry and pulled me into a hug, 'you're such a bitch.'

I grinned, 'As are you.'

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