The Cafe

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Albus POV:

I wasn't even sure I was ready for this or if this was even what I was supposed to be doing. If the ministry was here, if Newt knew about this then I may lose every piece of trust anybody has ever had for me. But I had to come, I just had to. There are certain things that need to be said in the quiet hush of a private conversation and that needed to be now. If I were to see him in the presence of anyone else but solitude I fear the words I have to say will go unsaid before I get the chance to think them. He understands this, I know he does, which is why I knew he would come.

I heard the chime, my eyes flickering from my fingers that were ripping my nails to shreds with anxiety to the door at the end of the restaurant where I saw a man walk in with a polite and humble confidence as his posture had his back up straight and hands behind it as if concealing himself in some sort of manner. It was a mannerism I recognised.....I guess some things never change. His mismatched eyes didn't notice me but his direction was clear as he made his way to the booth I was stationed at. His feet slowed to a stop, finally looking at me and I was presented with the unfamiliarity of the situation I was in.

It felt odd, out of place, like I was meeting an old friend I hadn't seen in so long for a light brunch to talk over things and share circumstances. But this wasn't just any old friend, nor a friend at all, this was a lover, a lover I once cherished with every part of my soul to the point I thought I would never leave him. Naturally, youth made me naive and gullible which is what lands me in this seat right now.

I picked up my spoon and stirred it into my tea so I didn't have to focus on how fast my heart was beating just by seeing him again. It was embarrassing even though no one else could sense my emotions- I was embarrassed for myself.

'Is this one of your regular haunts?' His soft-spoken husky voice asked in a playful manner which took the edge off the very tense meeting which was making my stomach churn.

I laughed, the bitter fondness of this meeting burning my tongue as I replied in a matching tone, 'I don't have any regular haunts,'

'You mean to say you don't have a favourite tea place anymore?' He raised his eyebrows, 'Not.....what was it called? The one that got the-'

'Perfect ratio of milk to sugar?' I finished, sighing deeply in a reminiscent exhaustion of the memories I'd neglected to recall, 'That was Mead-Afternoon Tea. It closed a long time'll find when you're as old as I am there's no point in getting used to things because as soon as you settle they-' I cut myself off, leaving a gap of nothing as I nudged my spoon to the side of the table, 'Leave,'

The awkwardness I'd been expecting finally arrived as Gellert sat opposite me and placed his hands firmly on the cloth in front of him, 'I've found that also,' his eyes met mine for the first time and I instantly felt him look right through my heart.

I bit my lip, I knew better than to argue with this man. I'd learnt my lesson on that- many moons ago. That didn't mean my emotions weren't going to forget that lesson, 'I didn't leave you,'

Gellert broke eye contact, his feet shuffling irritably, 'Then how come you are not by my side? I didn't cast you away,'

'You cast me away as soon as you used that curse on Aberforth,' I replied, frowning, 'How could I be at your side after that and follow what you believe in?'

'It was you who said we could reshape the world,' He shook his head in disbelief, 'They were your ideas in the first place, I was just the one who had the courage to put them into practice,'

I processed his words carefully, drawing the cup to my lips and sipping the calming, hot tea linked around my fingers before putting it back down and reinstating eye-contact, 'And I was the one who was mature enough to let them go, to see them for what they are. Dreams, evil dreams.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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