The Dumbledore way

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I'm doing a lot of exams at the moment so I'm not going to have a lot of time to write so my schedule will be a little uneven and less promised than it usually is but I'll try and get some done but unfortunately I have to prioritise revision :( Also the title sounds like some weird ass dance move which I'm totally down for


Albus POV:

As I lay down to go to sleep I had to stop myself from yelping in pain as my side hit the soft bed. Unfortunately, Gellert seemed to realise something was wrong.

'Are you ok?' He asked, his face full of concern.

'Fine.' I managed to say without whimpering, my side ached unbearably but all I could do was lie there.

He shook his head, 'you're clearly not...vhats wrong?'

I sighed, I had been trying to keep this from him for the whole day but knowing Gellert, he wouldn't stop asking until I told him. 'It's whole body hurts.'

He frowned, 'do you know vhy?' His hand tracing my waist, it hurt but the feeling of him was worth it.

'No.' I shifted onto my back, inhaling sharply as I held back the sound of my pain, 'it s-started this m-morning.'

Gellert said nothing and suddenly got out of bed, messily pulling on his clothes so to look decent in case he came across my siblings, and heading downstairs. I managed to get comfortable, my sides and stomach only aching a little as I wondered where Gellert had gotten to. He came back minutes later, he was holding what looked like a cup of tea, putting it on the bedside table next to me and rushing off again. Gellert came back quicker than before, a few packets of sweets in one hand, a blanket in the other.

'Thankyou!' I smiled, happy I had such a caring lover.

'Anything for my prince.' He kissed my hand as he handed me the items he held and shut the door, removing his clothes again.

Giggling, I started to eat the packets of sweets, most of them were my favourite, sherbet lemons. I patted the space next to me on the bed, Gellert climbing over to sit beside me. I pulled the soft blanket around us both as I laid down carefully onto Gellerts chest. He held me in his arms as his comfortable warmth spread throughout my body. 'Vhy didn't you tell me?' He questioned, resting his chin on my head, 'I could have done this sooner.'

'I didn't want to worry you.' I smiled, 'I'm sorry, it's not that bad.'

'Bad enough to keep you from sleeping.' He buried his face in my red locks, his hands running gently over my stomach.

'You always say sleeping in unproductive.' I laughed, looking at him in shock.

He hesitated before replying, 'Not vhen it benefits beautiful boys like you.' He kissed my head, pulling away the stray hairs from my face.

I blushed, smiling, 'then I'd imagine it does wonders for you.'

He scoffed, 'you know I don't sleep.'

'Are you sure you're human?' I huddled closer to him.

'I see no need for it.' He shrugged, 'besides, how else vill I look after you.'

Rolling my eyes I responded, 'I told you I don't need protection, only my boyfriend to be well.' I smiled, 'which includes him getting sleep.'

He shook his head, 'if ve both sleep someone vill come in and-'

'I promise they won't.' I took his hand, 'and if you really think so, then let me stay awake for you.'


'Because I want to look after you too.' I complained, 'I'm not a damsel.'

'Didn't say you vere.' He whispered.

'Well then.' I grinned, proud of my accomplishment.

I felt his arms wrap carefully around my waist as he nuzzled into my hair, 'You're so cute Dumbledore.' He mumbled.

My hand still held his, 'as are...actually no, you're not cute.' I re thought my words, 'you're extremely beautiful Grindelwald.'

He smiled, 'stop eating that candy, you'll be ill.'

I purposely shoved more sherbet lemons into my mouth, 'You love it.'

'I von't vhen you're being some for later.' He suggested.

I shook my head, 'that's not how the Dumbledores Do it.' I tipped an entire packet into my mouth, savouring the bitter-sweet taste.

'You're really funny Dumbledore.' He smirked.

'Glad you think so,' I finished the last of the packets and waited a few moments before feeling disappointed, 'Gellert I want more sweets.'

'You have to be joking.' He shook his head, but he knew that I wasn't, I never am when it comes to sweets.

'Fine!' I didn't bother arguing, it usually ended in me giving up. We lay in each others arms that night, Gellert completely restoring me to wake up happy the next day.

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