New Years

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Albus POV:

'Good morning brother,' I greeted Aberforth, sitting opposite him at the breakfast table in front of some toast and raspberry jam, raspberry is my favourite. I began spreading the entire pod onto my toast until it was drowned in it, Aberforth finally looked up at me doing so, causing me to pause mid lifting to take a bite.

'Jesus Albus,' he grumbled, 'We'll be out by the end of the month if you continue on like that,'

Guiltily, I ate my toast, mmm it was so good, I thought, ignoring Aberforth's truth. I'll just buy some more...then again I have hardly any money, we'll have to sacrifice long can goats go without feeding?

Through my thoughts, I heard the faint sound of footsteps coming down the stairs and then the corridor. My eyes glanced up to see my sister take her place next to Abe in front of her toast, she prefers blackberry jam so it's not like I'm taking it from her.

Now all of my family was here, what's left of it at least, I decided to talk about all things concerning, 'Remember we are all to go out this evening?'

Aberforth lowered his paper again to look at me, 'Go where,'

I dusted my hands of crumbs onto my empty plate, 'The field, there's a firework display for New Years-'

'We are not taking Ar-' he stopped himself, realising that Ariana was in the room with us but hadn't noticed his almost slip up, 'I don't think it wise to go out to such a's bright, blinding, lots of people, you know,'

I peered at Ariana who seemed to be quite content today as she ate her toast, no signs of an outburst at any point, 'Bathilda's hosting it, she'd be ever so upset if we didn't turn up, it's the neighbourly thing to do,'

Abe closed his paper, throwing it on the table with a small thwack as he narrowed his eyes, 'You seem very keen to go to this celebration...let me think why-'


'Wouldn't be a certain someone attending you might desperately want to see? Now would there?'

'Just because Gellert's going to be there doesn't mean-,'

'Oh look! So he is going! What a surprise!-'

'Hold your tongue!' I raised my voice, Ariana noticing this and looking very sad now, 'Ariana, it's alright, we aren't fighting,'

She nodded, looking slightly more at peace but not as much as before.

'I was actually thinking you'd appreciate getting out of the house, both of you, a nice bit of fresh air and spending time together-'

'Don't pretend like you want to, brother,' Aberforth cut in again, 'You want to see that slimy German from next door again, don't even lie to me, I know what you're doing,'

'Ok,' I nodded, 'I was thinking you might actually get along with him for a night-'

'I'll do that when you actually stop ignoring all our problems because you want to frolic in the grass with your sodomite lover-'

As soon as he said the slur I pointed my wand directly at his chest before noticing Ariana was very frightened and removed it, 'I think you've said enough Aberforth, don't forget I'm in charge of this house so you will follow me. We are going to the New Years party tonight whether you like it or not, or is it not your wish to watch over our sister,'

'What makes you think she's going?' Aberforth scoffed.

I turned to Ariana, 'Would you like to go to the fields tonight? Bathilda and Gellert are throwing a gathering that will have pretty lights that fly into the sky, do you want to go? It might do you some good to have some time out of the house?'

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