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TW: Graphic sex scenes/smut

Gellert POV:

I was in my usual summer haze as I lay inside the sheets, not my sheets, as the sun glistened onto my golden hair- lighting up the strands like a freshly collected glowing memory. My hands stroked the silky red covers, moving not so far away from myself before stretching further, my brain confused as it no longer sensed the warmth it had predicted. My eyes fluttered open to see the space beside me empty but the clothes I knew I'd left there on the floor still and not alone.

Albus was at his desk but standing up, his lip latching onto his pen as he frowned in thought at the pages below him. He leaned down, scrawling something before backing away to survey how it looked. He pushed it away from him and I watched as his hand ran through his fiery hair, the flames flickering as the window reflected onto him. His blue eyes twinkled as he wrote something on another piece of parchment and pushed this aside, the movement causing his messy white shirt to sway as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

The shirt, of course, was the only thing he was wearing and he didn't even have the top two buttons done up. What was the point in that? Dignity? That's such an Albus thing to do it made me almost laugh as he continued to do whatever he was trying to do.

I groaned, rubbing my eyes and turning my head to check him out as he threw a glance my way in surprise.

'You're up?!' He said, pushing the notes even further away from him.

'I am,' I confirmed, 'Vhat are you up to?'

Albus cast his eyes back to the paper sheepishly and fiddled with the corners of one which he picked up while shaking his head.

I exhaled, 'You're so hot,'

He smiled, 'What do you mean?'

'You can't just valk around in nothing but a shirt and expect me to not shower you with compliments and appreciation.....but vhy did you put on a shirt?'

Albus got to his feet, standing cutely so the shirt rode just above his hips where a hickey was still brewing, 'I was expecting to get dressed,'

'Well expect not to,' I growled, sprawling out on the bed in frustration.

'Gellert!' He scolded fondly, 'Didn't you get enough last night?'

I didn't reply as the answer was clearly no as I sat up straight to face him, reaching out and gently pulling his hips towards me so he was stood in between my legs.

'We could become masters of death and have sex for eternity and it wouldn't be enough for me.....' I brought his chin to rest near my shoulder as I whispered breathily, 'How can I when your moans fill me with so much contentment,'

'Gellert,' Albus pushed me playfully away, 'We have stuff to do!'

'Like what?' I smirked, 'Eachother?'

'Gellert!' He said again but with more conviction.

'I love it vhen you say my name,' I only half joked as I sunk back down into the bed and rested my head on my forearms as they stretched back, extending my slender body out as the cool touch of the morning pre-sun temperatures reachable outside the duvet. My skin tingled before retreating to the comforting warmth I'd created over night.

Albus sat down, his hair brushing the tips of his covered shoulders as he sighed deeply, his breath leaving his throat in such a mundane way but anything he did just made me crave his touch even more as I revelled in his effortless attractiveness. 'What am I going to do with you?'

I let a grin creep onto my face as I shrugged in amusement, 'That is my question exactly my dear,'

Albus pressed down on my collar bone lightly again in mock irritancy which I knew was false because his face was getting more smiley and his cheeks turning more Rose with every word that left my lips. He turned away, wrapping his arms around his waist to hug himself as he queried, 'What do you want?'

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