Never do that again

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This contains suicide and suicidal thoughts so if you are sensitive to that please don't read this, I was sad writing it but it has a happy ending.

Albus POV:

My feet slammed against the pavement as I ran as fast as I could down the alleyways. I stopped at the clearing, looking out onto the horizon as I stood on top of the stone. I had had enough. I felt the wind flow through my hair as the feeling inside me grew more intense. I wanted to do it.

'Albus!' Gellert called, panting from running after me, I turned around to face him, he looked stern but not concerned.

'You've done enough.' I shook my head, 'ARE YOU HAPPY?' Tears streamed down my face as i felt myself begin to fall apart.

He took a step forwards, only making me more angry, 'I didn't...I didn't mean vhat I said, come back now, ve can continue doing vhat we always do!' He encouraged but his kind words only made it hurt worse.

'YOU TOLD ME YOU DIDNT LOVE ME!' I screamed, my fists clenched as the overwhelming feeling just continued to grow, 'YOU SAID YOU NEVER DID AND WHAT? NOW YOU'RE TRYING TO TAKE IT BACK?'

'I was angry.' He shook his head, 'you know I didn't meant it, I love you-'

'Bullshit.' I muttered, turning around to look at the sea, the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks sounded so inviting. The moonlight glimmered on the sea, a beautiful scene I wished to be apart of.

'So vhat are you going to do?' He shrugged, 'break up with me?'

I was silent, letting the waves guide my thoughts.

'Albus, I love you, vhether you believe me or not is irrelevant.' He argued.

'Is it?' I smiled, my eyes not leaving the sea. My smile soon turned into a grimace as I turned to face him, 'you can't stop me now.'

His face softened, 'Albus...please just come back to me.'

'WHAT SO YOU CAN PLAY ME AGAIN?' I shouted, tears flooding down my cheeks, 'leave me alone!'

'I...I cant let you do this.' Gellert shook his head.

I shrugged, 'what are you going to do about it?' He couldn't stop me and that was final, the only reason I started being happy again after my parents death was him, and now he told me he doesn't love me.

Gellert didn't say anything, probably because he knew he couldn't do anything about it. Or so I thought. My desire peaked and I finally felt like I was ready, without hesitation I jumped. Adrenaline rushed through me as the wind whipped past my face and hair. The ground became closer with every second until arms wrapped around me and I was stood on the cliff again. My mind took a while to adjust before I realised what had happened and I turned to see Gellert, but not in his usual, calm state. Now he was panicking. His face paler than usual he almost looked like a ghost and his eyes were wide with shock.

'I didn't think you would-'

'LET ME GO!' I ripped him off me as I made my way over to the side again and walked off. Quicker than before, I was stood on the edge again.

'DONT YOU DARE!' He screamed, his arms around my waist again as I struggled to get him off.

'I TOLD YOU TO LET ME GO!' I cried, I wanted so badly to be dead, I wanted it now.

'I vill never EVER let go as long as you fucking try.' He whispered, tears starting to fall from his beautiful mismatched eyes.

I tried to escape his grasp but I soon grew tired, instead I just broke down in tears, sobbing into his chest. 'Please!' I begged.

'No.' He responded firmly, holding me tighter to him, and that was when I realised, he loved me. He really did love me. Suddenly the colour began to return to my life and the memory of me falling became dark and horrifying. Why was I here? Why would I do something like this? How could I be so reckless?

'I'm...I'm sorry.' I sobbed, looking up at him. For the first time since I've known him, I saw he was crying too.

'Never...never do that again.' He smiled, caressing the cheek of my blotchy face.

'I promise.'

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