The Yule Ball

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I'm sorry I forgot to post this last night but I was really tired and forgot, anyway it's here now and I'll be posting the next chapter of my main fic later on! :)


Gellert POV:

I was so annoyed. It was currently the Yule Ball, something that was really pissing me off. Did I have a date? No. Was that the problem? No. In fact I had been asked by many girls, I declined every single one...and I wasn't the only one. I looked down at the long, red head boy stood next to me, Albus. He was the only friend I had made during the triwizard tournament...or ever. Something about him just made me curious...he was just so smart, I guess I envied him. He noticed me staring, 'something on your mind Gellert?' He asked
'No.' I replied, looking back at the dance floor. I watched all the girls be twirled around by their dates to the the beat of the piano until I found myself looking at Albus again. Actually...I don't think it was because I envied him. My eyes studied every dimple from his smile, noticed every freckle dotted on his nose, every strand of fiery hair perfectly in place and the way his blue eyes lit up when a new song came on. Just, just maybe...
'Albus?' I called, his eyes met mine and my heart raced.
'Yes Gellert?' He smiled, his eyes twinkling as usual.
I stood in front of him, holding out my hand, 'I vas vondering if...if maybe you'd like a dance?' As soon as I heard the words come out I regretted it.
'W-with you?' He stammered, acting as if he had misheard, blushing as red as his hair.
I took a deep breath, 'Yes,' there was an awkward silence as he looked down at the floor. I waited nervously, trying to take my mind off it, wow those were some nice curtains...very good job Miss-
His hand accepted mine and I looked at them in surprise, grinning, I lead him over to the stoned dance floor. In perfect timing, a slow song came. Finally, I could do what I've been longing to do this entire evening. I picked up Albus' arms and put them around my neck, afterwards wrapping my own hands around his waist. We began to sway in time to the music, earning a few judgmental looks from the people dancing closest to us. I gave them a death stare, their eyes filled with terror before they stopped looking.
'...How long have you been wanting to ask me to dance?' Albus asked, smirking at me.
'Ever since you valked through the door.' I smiled, nodding my head towards the golden entrance to the great hall.
'I you like my dress robes?' He grinned.
'Very much so.' I replied. There was a comfortable silence as we just continued to step to the music.
'Ummm, Gellert?'
'Everyone is looking at us.'
I drew my eyes from his to see the entire great hall staring. Some with hatred, others with confusion, why did the world have to be like this?
'They're just jealous because we're the best dancers here,' I shook my head, refusing for this moment to be ruined. Luckily, Albus didn't show any sign he was extremely uncomfortable with all these eyes on us.
'When I first met you, I didn't know...' he stopped himself, breaking eye contact.
'Say it.' I whispered.
His eyes met mine once again, 'that I was going to feel like this.' He finished.
I nodded slowly, the song ended and I pulled Albus closer to me, 'Ve can't talk about this here...let's go.'
We made our way out of the Great Hall and past the crowds of teenagers, eventually, we came to an empty corridor. I sat in the frame of the bay window, Albus sitting opposite me. He leaned against the cold glass, his breath condensing onto it as it cooled down his burning cheeks.
'Albus...I don't think I've felt like this before.' I stated.
'Like...what?' He sat up, looking curiously up at me.
'You're the only person that gets me...I just think you're really smart and...funny and.....' I hesitated, 'beautiful.' I whispered.
He blushed, looking away, ' think I'm beautiful?'
'Of course.' I smiled as he turned bright crimson. In the end I couldn't take it anymore. I brought his lips towards mine until they brushed gently against each other. My fingers held his chin up as we drew away. 'Sorry.' I beamed, it was as good as I had imagined.
Albus pulled me back towards him, I deepened the kiss, my hands tracing his jaw.
Pulling away he replied, 'I think you're beautiful too.' My hand reached for his as he rested his back on my stomach. Kissing his knuckles, I rested my chin on his shoulder.
'So Mr long have you known you felt this vay for me?' I smiled.
He thought for a moment before replying, 'I felt jealous when that girl asked you to be her date.' He admitted, playing with my hands.
'I see.....them vhy didn't you ask me yourself?' I questioned.
'Because that's stupid!'
'How so?'
'You know why I couldn't.' He crossed his arms, looking sadly at the stone wall in front of us, 'the same reason why wouldn't couldn't do this whilst we danced, the same reason we can't tell anyone.'
'I have no shame in telling anyone.' I shook my head.
'Gellert you know we can't!' He panicked
I sighed, 'I know...I just wish-'
'I too.' He turned around to face me, pulling me into a hug. Accepting it I felt my heart pounding, wanting to stay like this forever. We heard the faint echo of footsteps and Albus immediately retreated, getting out of the window. We ran as fast as we could, I had no idea where we were going but I took Albus' lead. Eventually, we came to a painting
'Password.' The lady asked.
'Fayerstay.' Albus panted, out of breath from all the sprinting, he clearly wasn't the outdoorsy type. The painting opened and Albus grabbed my hand, pulling me inside. 'Quickly.' He whispered, dragging me up the stairs until we reached his room. It was empty since everyone was still at the ball, it would be for a few mind seemed to wonder.
'Nice place.' I admired the red patterned walls and matching decor.
'Gryffindor colours of course.' He smiled, sitting down on the bed with the luggage marked A.D, crossing his legs.
'I have to sleep on a ship vith a bunch of drunk Germans.' I complained, sitting next to him.
'I'd hope you don't engage with that type of thing.'
I was silent.
'Hard not to vhen it's practically being shoved down your throat.' I joked.
Albus narrowed his eyes at me but I pulled him into a kiss before he could object. We drew away, wanting more, I kissed him again, this time more passionately. Only pulling away for breaths, we stayed like this for a while, enjoying the sensation of his lips on mine. Sinking down onto his bed, laying there whilst we deepened the kiss further.
'What the f-'
I broke away as two of Albus' clearly amused friends were staring, opened mouthed at us. I gave him one last peck on the lips before bolting out of there, giving him a chance to explain.

Some of you might find this funny. When I was writing this, Gellert says 'how long have you known you felt this vay for me' and vay corrected to gay so it read 'how long have you known you felt this gay for me'

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