I feel the same

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Albus POV:

'Stop this, now.' I demanded, anger gripping at my throat as I attempted to hold back the truth

'You know he doesn't love you Albus.' Aberforth said through gritted teeth, 'he's using you, you're just too blind to see it.'

'I asked for you to stop this nonsense!' I yelled, finding it hard not to say what I really felt.

'Do you really think what you're doing is right? You're sick! Both of you are just sick and twisted fools!' He yelled back, 'Do you honestly think you can find love this way?'

'I have!' I shouted angrily.

'Let's see how that turns out,' he murmured, 'I can't believe you Albus! How can you be so...disgusting, it's insulting the family name!'

'Just you wait.' I huffed, 'wait till me and Gellert achieve greater things than you and your stupid goats, wait until we're ruling the world and people will envy our greatness!'

'That's what you've planned?' He asked sarcastically, 'wake up brother! Everything you're doing is wrong, imagine what mother would think if she knew her son was a s-'

'MOTHER IS DEAD!' I screamed at him, my emotion finally escaping.

He looked surprised by my sudden out burst but it soon turned to hatred, 'Do you take me as a fool Albus? I know what sort of things you and him get up to, it's unnatural and disgusting, I hope you get that.' Aberforth left the room, about to head up the stairs to his room.

'You can say whatever you like Aberforth, in the end you're just jealous of the power me and Gellert share.' I narrowed my eyes at him.

Aberforth took a few steps back, 'id rather die than be like either of you.' He spat before continuing to his room.

I shook my head, 'I'm going to Gellerts.' i went into my room and grabbed a few things.

'Of course you are!' He laughed, 'I wonder what you will do their that you can't do here!'

I walked back down the stairs, 'Grow up.' I yelled before slamming the front door and apparating to the only person I could truly be myself around. Aberforth is too lonely to understand, it's evident he has no friends unless you count his goats. I was welcomed with a warm embrace by the arms of my lover, his loving kiss upon my lips. I suddenly felt hot tears spill down my cheeks as I pulled away. Noticing, Gellert cradled me in his arms as we sat on his bed, his back against the wall.

'Vhat did your brother do this time?' He asked.

'He's a damn right fool!' I punched Gellerts chest lightly in frustration, 'why does he have the right to tell me what I'm doing is 'unnatural' and 'disgusting''

'Remember vhat I said Albus, he is only a jealous, little boy and doesn't understand the meaning of love.' His comforting words softening my heart.

'I know, it just makes me doubt myself.' I buried my head into his shirt.

'This feeling,' his fingers touched my chest, 'this is real Albus, between you and me, no one else.'

'Really? You...really think so?'

'You're special Albus, like no one I've met before. That's vhy I'm so drawn to you, you are vhat I need, you're beauty and intelligence is unlike any other.' He smiled.

Blushing I replied, 'I feel the same.'

'I know,' his hand caressed my cheek as I gazed up at him, 'I love you Albus.'

'I love you too.'

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