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Please don't take offence from any of my descriptions that I put, they were based on the performances not where they're from.

Gellert POV:

'Albus, Vhy do I have to vatch this bullsh-'
'Mind your language!' He scolded, shoving cockroach clusters into his mouth as he lay on my lap, 'we are watching it because everyone is, it's exciting AND a conversation starter.' He grinned.
'Vhat is exciting about it?' I complained.
He sighed, 'have you ever even watched it?'
I shook my head
'It's an annual competition between all of Europe, plus Australia-'
'Vait...Vhy are Australia in it?' I stopped him, finding it slightly random.
'No one knows to be honest...anyway, they sing all sorts of different songs in different genres and perform in front of a crowd in the country that won last year! They have interesting stage organisations, usually that don't make sense, but it's really funny that way!' He explained, reaching for his hot coa coa and taking a sip. The show started, the presenters talking about random stuff. I decided to not argue and just watch patiently, besides, it can't go on for too long...right? The third song to be performed was Germany, which immediately perked my interest. The song was pretty decent, it was two girls singing about how they were 'sisters' and I could tell they were trying to express the emotional bond between siblings.
'I'm rooting for Germany.' I stated, curling Albus' locks round my finger.
'Seriously? Not Uk?' Albus groaned.
'Nope, I'm sticking with my home town.' I smiled whilst Albus mumbled in annoyance. I took a sip of my red wine and continued to watch the rest of the show. Another song that had me intrigued was 'Spirit in the Sky' by Norway. It had a really catchy beat and you could tell it was coming from the heart, not to mention the vocals were really good. Even the tribal noises were intriguing and something to remember. It was almost as if you could picture the guy saying 'come on barbie let's go party' he looked like him and sounded like him. Albus picked up the lyrics of the chorus halfway through and started to sing. He was so adorable.
'I think I'm going to vote for this one.' He smiled, sitting up to face me.
'Not Uk?' I asked, surprised.
He looked slightly guilty, 'I already listened to ours and...I don't think it's going to do well.'
'I like this one too.' I admitted.
He grinned, 'told you you'd enjoy it.' He cuddles into my chest as we watched the rest of the show, the commentator was taking the piss out of everything: Denmark had a random...weird ass chair that was 5 metres high; Iceland was.....rather intense, I'd describe it as having a kinky sex club vibe if anything with a man banging on top of a cage; Italy was alright, quite catchy I guess; Albus' judgement was correct, the UK was a bit underwhelming; Greece had some weird ball which had a two second stage time before it was thrown uselessly to the side, Albus was right, this was rather entertaining. Australia came on and it was really looked like she was flying but there was obviously something holding her up underneath her long skirt. What's stranger is that she went kind of bend, so it was difficult to figure out how it was working. The song kept saying 'zero gravity' and it really looked like it, suddenly the camera went back to reveal the huge poles holding her and the back up...flyers up. I don't know how they did it because they were found right down to the ground and up, almost knocking into each other. It had been 2 hours 30 minutes and it STILL wasn't over.
'How much longer?' I whined, it was 10:30 and I'd much rather be in bed right now.
'Well...usually it only lasts for 3 hours but they haven't done the voting so.....another hour and a half.' He said sheepishly.
I rolled my eyes, watching Madonna walk pointless up and down huge steps in time to the song. When the voting finally started it was 11 and I was getting really pissed, I just want to sleep. They went through the votes and Germany didn't do too well and to Albus' disappointment, neither did the UK, in fact they came last. Norway got the best public vote and Australia did pretty well, the camera then went back onto the singer from Iceland. They were previously waving the trans and LGBTQ+ flag which me and Albus thought were cute but now they were holding up something that was being used as a shit starter.
'Merlin's beard!' Albus exclaimed, clapping his hand over his mouth.
'Can they get kicked out for that?' I asked, shaking my head. Things like this didn't usually happen so everyone was quite surprised. 
'Probably!' Albus replied, still in shock. The votes ended up so that the Netherlands won, they weren't even that good, I don't even remember it that well. We fell asleep on the sofa together, Albus' head resting underneath mine.

I know this was ages ago but I was thinking throughout watching Eurovision that I could write a fan fiction on it and I decided I wasn't going to but then I did, if some of you watched it do you agree with what I put about the performances? Sorry if I offended anyone in anyway ❤️

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