The Blood Pact

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Hey! An update? Is it Christmas or Summer?! No! It's Grindeldore season since it's almost the movie I'm back writing this again so look forward to that because there's no other way I can express my obsession. This is based on one of the tv spots I saw so look for it if you have no idea what's happening, it's so gay. I guess this means lowkey spoilers for the new movie? Don't read if you want to have no idea. Enjoy my wonderful readers ❤️

Albus POV:

My knuckles turned white as I sunk my nails into the arms of my chair which usually supported me comfortably but right now felt as cold as stone and rigid. I seemed to be hyper-fixating so hard that my eyes couldn't see a thing that was surrounding me and the only thing I could sense was that I was sat down and there was a lit candle proving as little light as possible as it flickered in the corner of my room on its desk.

I drifted my gaze to my hand, the chain of the pendant wrapped around my forearm as the blood pact itself swung gently in time to the clock I could make out ticking in my head.

Gritting my teeth, my clenched fist threw the enchanted object to the other side of the wall so forcefully it smashed into it with a loud clink making Newt, who had previously been asleep on the floor covered by my blanket wake with a start.

Lifting my wand, I tried to curse it with the worst spells I could conjure and squinted my eyes involuntary as my body began to be suffocated once again. My hand seized as the chain coiled so tight it was as though it was about to be ripped off, my brain screamed and I shook violently as I choked. My wand dropped to the floor as it always did but I tried not to stop, I wanted to see if anything different would occur if I kept going no matter what happened.

'Dumbledore! I don't think you should-'

'Quiet!' I wheezed, my lungs on fire as I coughed harshly against the world that was turning on me.

My own hand lifted to my neck as I wrapped my hand around it, air being taken from me by my own conscience. My heart pounded and I staggered backwards in an attempt to escape my own slander.

Throwing my arm away from myself, I managed to fling the candle off it's stand causing it to set all my research papers alight.


Not caring, I gripped the candle inside my hand, the piping hot wax trickling down onto my fingers and searing them as the burning sensation felt almost bearable compared to the strangling I was currently trying to battle.

I put the flame to the metal and it started to brown the edges of the silver which made me flinch as I felt my heart split in two as if someone were stabbing it repeatedly.

I dropped to my knees, tears streaming from my eyes as they rolled into the back of my head while my body still shook. I yielded and lay sprawled on the floor in agony and despair.

Newt sighed, 'I thought we were going to try again in the morning, not at.....3 am?!'

I didn't reply as I just stayed where I was, unable to be responsive as my brain turned.


'I.....needed to,' I swallowed, my throat feeling as though I'd swallowed glass as it speared my stomach, 'I needed to do something,'

Getting to my feet, I put my hand to my throat, drawing it away as if expecting to see blood but shook it off and retrieved my wand from the floor.

'Dumbledore this is madness,' Newt ran his palm down his drowsy face, 'You're not well, you shouldn't be getting involved in wizarding wars anyway that's between Grindelwald and the ministry!'

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