The Truth

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This is quite long but I'm so hyped for this goddamn movie and I hope you guys are enjoying this content! Just wanted to provide you all with more fan fiction during Grindeldore season. I finally purchased the Blood Pact replica which you can see above, it looks so cool haha. Thanks for reading!

Albus POV:

I clumsily opened the door to my office, my sweaty palm almost slipping off the the golden doorknob as I stepped inside, my back towards Newt who was following closely behind with his Niffler tucked safely inside his coat pocket. I didn't want to look at him- I could feel his eyes on me which filled me with dread about all the questions he'll be begging to ask, most of which I had no idea how to answer.

I flicked my hand towards the door to close it, 'Did you say you wanted tea?' I asked unsurely, stretching my memory to when we were outside Hogwarts with the others just now but I could only recall glimpses of the mind had clearly been too preoccupied on something else.

Newt stood awkwardly but before he could open his mouth I answered for him.

'You wanted tea,' I swallowed thickly and tried to find where I kept the tea bags. I opened and closed the draws hurriedly, squinting and feeling stupid at this desperate attempt to appear normal, 'I'm sure I put them in here,' I sucked in a breath, getting increasingly more frustrated as I fumbled through my desk space for something I never usually find this trying to conjure. My rapid movements were frantic as a bead of sweat dripped down the side of my head and into the start of my beard which really needed a trim I'd neglected it for so long.

Newt sighed, 'Dumbledore, it's fine, if you can't find them we can just-'

I slammed the drawer closed yet again, 'No if you want tea then we shall have tea,' I continued my pointless search as I moved two and fro about the small office.

'Dumbledore, are you sure you're alright?' Newt asked hesitantly.

Still avoiding his gaze, I strode over to the other side of the room and tried locating the tea bags there instead but it was no use. I yanked another drawer so forcefully it fell out and the contents of dozens of teaspoons scattered on the floor with a loud chorus of clinks one after the other.

I stared in shock at the floor, staying in this state until there was a coo which came from Newt's Niffler which had sprung from its pouch and launched itself at the ground- half the spoons already disappearing into its pockets as it stuffed the goods into its body.

'No, come on!' Newt said firmly, 'What did I tell you, you've already got enough,' he scooped up the animal who whined in protest as she was forced to sit back in his pocket.

I leaned against the desk, my eyes at the floor as Newt came over, the silence speaking for itself as he was clearly trying to find the right words.

'Just ask me,' I whispered, my emotions embarrassingly apparent in my tone. I wanted to get this over and done with so I could go back to repressing the same cursed memories I do everyday so I never have to look or think about them again.

Newt paused, his finger softly stroking the head of the Niffler with a reserved tenderness that made this moment just a little less stale. Just a little.

'Why did you do it?' He queried, the string of words I'd been dreading leaving his lips as the crushing feeling I used to feel was dropped back onto my shoulders, making me feel like I was about to collapse. My gaze finally lifted to meet Newt's water-like eyes that swam with curiosity, curiosity in things who ought not to delve into if he wanted to see me as the man he saw now.

I still smiled, briefly, making a sound that could only be described as the audible version of regret. My eyes crinkled and their twinkle grew stronger as they watered but it was subtle and I hoped it would stay that way.

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