Tis the season to be jolly

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Albus POV:

'Gellert!' I prodded him in the arm, he's a light sleeper, he's just ignoring me, 'Gellert!!!' I said again, prodding him so hard a red mark was appearing on his pale skin. I frowned, stopping so I didn't hurt him. I sat there for a moment before screaming, 'GELLERRRRT!' He still ignored me, pissing me off further as I crossed my arms.

Suddenly, I could hear echoing footsteps approaching my room. This was followed by Aberforth pushing my door open with such force the doorknob surely dented the wall. 'Aberforth!-' I yelled before being shut up by his shouting.

'You stupid asshole! Stop ignoring my brother so he'll stop fucking screaming!' Aberforth directed at Gellert who finally stopped pretending to be asleep by forming a grin on his face and saying.

'Oh, but I enjoy seeing you mad,'

Aberforth took a deep breath, not bothering to say anymore before slamming the door shut so that a few of my books dropped off their shelves onto the floor.

Gellert sat up, his blonde locks messily perfect as he gazed at me, his hand reaching out to stroke though my hair's strands of red. He smiled wider, 'Vhat is it you vanted?'

I blushed, I can't stay mad at him for long, 'It's Christmas!!!' I giggled, standing up on the bed and jumping up and down like a little child. I shrieked with laughter as Gellert grabbed my legs so I toppled down next to him, cushioned by the bed.

'I vonder if Father Christmas has been,' Gellert chuckled, kissing my forehead, 'I guess ve should go check downstairs,'

I sat up straight, '...Are you making fun of me?'

Gellert smirked, 'Of course not Albus, I'm suggesting ve go see if Father Christmas has left you some presents,' he ruffled my hair before getting up and pulling on a burgundy dressing gown, passing me my beige one, 'Hurry down, I'll make you some coffee,'

As he went down the stairs, I followed, passing the tinsel, baubles and holly decorations strung up everywhere on my way to the living room. It was already candle lit at the hands of my brother. Me and Gellert had decorated everything by hand; Gellert wanted to use his wand but I insisted we put in the effort...I'm pretty sure he did cheat in some places though. A wreath was hung outside the front door too and Gellert went to the trouble of using magic to decorate the house with little stars.

The Christmas tree somehow looked even more magical than real magic when it's Christmas morning. The gold and red baubles glinted in the lighting and were decorated with little wooden toys that were brought to life by Gellert's wand. I had lifted Ariana to place the star on top of tree too, I love it so much. I'm very much a Christmas person.

What I didn't anticipate was the amount of presents that had been tucked under the tree, neatly wrapped. We didn't have enough money for that and I doubt Aberforth would've bought anyone other than Ariana anything. Ariana was just as surprised as she was sat on her knees by the tree, ogling the present stash.

My mouth wide open, I sensed Gellert by the door as he handed me a cup of coffee. He sipped his, 'You know, Santa must really like you guys,'

I whipped my head around and stared at him in disbelief, 'How did-'

'Shhh,' he put a finger to my lips, 'Don't spoil the Christmas magic,' before he disappeared off into the kitchen.

I nodded to myself, going to sit on the couch by the crackling wood fire to get more warmth. Aberforth finally entered the room, having the same reaction as all of us. He got really mad, 'Albus I swear to god if you've spent all this money on some bloody crap we don't even need-'

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