I want you

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I guess you could say there's smut in this but it's not major, just kissing.


Albus POV:

It was a day, or rather night, like any other. The candle flickered as it lit the room of the certain German boy I had met only weeks ago. Rain pattered on the window, dripping down the glass and blurring the view onto the streets of Godric's Hollow. It was usually sunny here yet tonight the storm was rather out of character for the little town. The pavement was wet, with puddles forming in the cracks of the stone slabs that lead to the church. It's normally bright, colourful stained glass windows dimmed with the dark of the night. Despite the cold weather, everything was perfect. I was sat reading one of my many books on the chair by the window, occasionally looking up to watch the storm take place. As for Gellert, he sat at his desk, also reading. We had not spoken for a while now as we were both engrossed in our stories but I couldn't help but just admire his beauty. The way his mysterious eye glimmered whenever he found something interesting and the other darkening when he was angry. His blonde hair sat perfectly on his shoulders, sweeping past his face. The definition of his features was something that stood out to me, he was just so indescribably beautiful that I didn't even realise how long I was staring for or that Gellert had noticed.

'Is there something on my face?' He smirked.

I felt myself go crimson, 'N-no,' I stammered quickly burying my head back into my book. My heart raced as I could somehow tell he was looking at me. I blushed deeper. If Gellert were to know how I truly felt for him...I fear he'd want nothing to do with me. My feelings deepen the more I spend time with him and I hated it, I hated myself. No matter how hard I try I just can't stop thinking about him, what would happen if things were...different.

'Is that so?' He raised an eyebrow, to my relief he changed the subject, 'vhat are you reading?'

'Book on Herbology.' I shrugged, turning the page, 'what about you?'

'German literature.' He muttered, going back to his reading, the comfortable silence filling the room again. Although I was trying to engage with the book, my eyes always drifted to Gellert. The paleness of his skin, his pretty foreign nature. His hands caressed the page he had turned to, finger tips running over the printed words. Again I was lost, unable to concentrate.

'Albus?' Gellert didn't look up.


'You're doing it again.'

'Oh!' I realised, my pulse quickened again as my eyes found their way back to the pages of my book.

'Is there...something on your mind?' He closed his book, putting it carefully down on the desk as his eyes met mine.

'No, no...nothing important.' I smiled, bending the corner of the pages uncomfortably.

'Because if there is, you can tell me.' His perfect jaw rested against his hand as his beautiful accent flooded my ears.

I said nothing, not because I wanted to say nothing, or maybe I did? I was so confused by now I was incapable of even forming a sentence. Gellerts eyes stared into mine, waiting for me to say something in response but I just didn't.

'You stare...often.' He observed.

I flinched, my heart beating faster as I stared at the bent corners I had created, something I knew I would regret creating later, 'Sorry! I don't mean to I...' I couldn't think of a justifiable excuse.

'I just can't help but vonder...' he fell silent, as if he was hesitating, 'if maybe you hold a certain affection for me.'

I started to feel as if I was very exposed, 'O-Of course not! I'm, I'm not-'

'Because if you did...I vouldn't be one to judge.' He interrupted.

I felt like maybe he already knew whether I confirmed it or not, it still didn't stop me from being overly defensive, 'Honestly Gellert, why would you suggest something so...strange.' I almost chocked on my own words.

'You know Albus.' It was almost as if he was ignoring my protest, 'you don't have to hide from me.'

'I'm not hiding anything!' I shook my head vigorously.

'And maybe...just maybe I feel the same vay.' He shrugged.

'What.' I felt very panicked all of a sudden.

'But I mean.' Once again I was ignored, 'I vould only tell you if I knew for sure, that you really did feel something for me.' Was he teasing me?


'Actually, vhat you say doesn't matter.' He changed his mind, 'I know it's true.'

I put my book down on the window sill, 'How...H-How long have you known?' I blushed.

He smiled, 'How long have ve known eachother?'

I blushed deeper

'If it interests you,' His smile faded as he looked at me out of the corner of his eyes, 'I feel the same.'

My thoughts raced, 'Y-You?' I was silenced by the incredibly desperate kiss that was placed upon my lips. His hands ran through my red hair as he pulled me closer to him. I'd imagined this so many times yet it was nothing compared to the real thing. Every inch of me just wanted him as close as possible, my hands reached around his neck as he deepened the kiss, his hands wrapping around my waist. Taking a breath, our eyes locked for a few moments before we continued. His tongue explored my mouth as I enjoyed the feeling of him being closer than I imagined he ever would be. As much as I was enjoying it, a rather daunting thought pushed its way into my head.

'Gellert.' I pushed him away, a string of saliva connected us still as I fought the urge to dive back in.

'Vhat is it?' He smirked, his hands running back and forth across my stomach and round to my back.

'We can't, not now.' I shook my head, wanting so badly to.

'Vhy not?' He frowned, loosening his grip in disappointment.

'It's midnight!' I looked at him as if he were mad, 'your Aunt is asleep! She might hear-'

'Who cares!' He laughed, picking me up as I squealed and laying me down on his bed.

'I care!' I grinned, wondering if I was actually going to be able to resist.

'Vhat do I have to do to convince you?' He smirked.

'Gellert, be serious about this, if we're caught-'

'If ve're caught, me and you could take them on!' He grinned, 'you and I, ve're unstoppable Albus! So much power alone think of vhat it might be...together.'

My heart fluttered as I looked up at the overly confident yet incredibly handsome man above me, 'I want you too.' I whispered.

'Then let me have you.' He brought our lips together and any thoughts on stopping him quickly melted away.

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