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I don't really know where I was going w this one but I hope you enjoy it anyway for the vibes!
No smut in this one, surprising I know

Narrator POV:

There was a frizz Of ginger hair doting about the place as soon as he walked in. It was a mess as his head swayed, far too many shots into a night to be at the bar but luckily for the young man he was accompanied by an apologetic and mildly embarrassed man who helped him into a seat so he would stop almost falling over. Albus' eyes glazed over the myriad of portraits lining the bleak washed walls of the three broomsticks as he then turned to his friend who was wishing to merlin that he wasn't about to ask for another drink.

'Another round?'

Ah, there it was. Elphias thought as he shot his friend a sympathetic look before saying, 'Don't you think you should slow down? I mean, this is the third day now-'

Albus made a disgruntled noice, 'I just don't understand Elphie!' His eyes swam with tears, 'Why did Gellert leave out of no where?'

Elphias had been trying to keep Albus under control since the break with Gellert which it really wasn't dramatic of Albus to claim it was out of nowhere. He had just up and left without a second thought, calling into question to the validity of his so called feelings for Albus.

'I don't know Albus, but anyone who does that to you doesn't deserve you in the first place,' he replied confidently, even if he knew Albus wouldn't want to hear it. He needed to.

Elphias could basically hear Albus' heart sink to the bottom of his ripcage as he gulped, 'Do you think he loved me?'

Elphias made a conflicted noise, turning away so his expression of response was hidden from his friend's' sight, 'How couldn't someone love you?'

'Be serious,'

'I am,' Elphie insisted, turning back, 'I'm angry at Grindelwald for not seeing what he's left behind. If he didn't love you then he's a bloody idiot,' the bartender placed shots in front of them and smiled apologetically, clearly aware of their current situation and had blessed them with free liquor.

Elphie pinched one of the small classes around his fingers and necked it, the firey substance whatever it was burned his throat like Phoenixs were dying and being reborn in his sarcophagus.

Albus hummed, his drink limbs slumping him forwards on the side of the bar, 'He's not an idiot, he's very clever,' he nodded, 'Ok, he loved me but that was probably a disappointment to him. I mean, I would only hold him back,'

'No.....' Elphie cleared his throat of liquor, 'No, Grindelwald probably left because he felt threatened by another intelligent individual such as yourself being so close to him and making him vulnerable,'

'Exactly I'm not good enough for him!' Albus exclaimed, also throwing back a shot before Elphias could stop him, 'I make him vulnerable,'

'If he wasn't able to be vulnerable then maybe he's not ready to be loved as hard as you could,' Elphias exclaimed before hesitating, 'That sounded less dirty in my head.....'

Albus laughed fondly, 'Yes, well, that's another thing I'm going to miss. I guess I shall abstain for the rest of my life,'

'That's a bit extreme Albus,'

'Is it?' He gestured around, 'Its not like any other man around is also attracted to men,'

Elphie shot the boy a pitied look and also the next drink which was a different flavour, a light pumpkin taste similar to the regular juice but.....was that salt?

'You'll be ok Albus,' he returned, 'You're one of the brightest wizards of the age, you'll get over it,'

'No I won't,' Albus slurred as he also took another shot, 'You don't make a blood troth and get over it,'

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