The Perfect Gift

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Albus POV:

Pulling on my emerald coat and finding the right fingers for my purple mittens, I savoured the warm feeling of shelter by the wood burner which was quite seasonal as Christmas was only in a few days and it was time for me to finally go Christmas shopping. I know it may sound strange to be so unorganised and proceed with this occasion so late but I have my reasons, and the reasons are.....well, Gellert.

I knew what I was going to get for Aberforth, Ariana, even Bathilda was easier to buy for and she's the woman with everything! But I just didn't know what to get Gellert. I'd asked him many times what to get him-which he refused to respond to and even his aunt wouldn't help me out as in her words he suspected I would go to her so she was 'sworn to secrecy'. You'd think because I knew him better than anyone else I'd know exactly what he wants but no, I was completely and utterly stumped. 

However, the other day, just when I was about to give up and get him the simple, classic chocolate box, he went to the wine cabinet and was rather grieved to discover he'd not a single drop of his favourite German whisky (entitled Charme den Geist, which an inaccurate translation into English would make it 'Bewitch/Charm the Spirit/Mind') he brought home...well, stole and brought home, from Durmstrang before he left. He told me that it was what he drank in secret with his...friends? Anyway, it reminded him of home.

Todays mission? Find Charme den Geist

'Where are you going?' My brother Aberforth asked in his, 'You're leaving again you failure what is more important than Ariana?' voice.

'I'm buying Christmas presents,' I replied before correcting myself, 'Well...a present, the rest are done. I just have to buy Gellert's,' 

Scoffing at the mention of his name, Aberforth sneered, 'What could you possibly get a guy like him? All he wants is probably wizard domination and the killing of muggle-borns,'

I ignored him, 'My, it is cold outside isn't it?' 

'Don't know, I'm not stupid enough to go out there,' 

Holding my tongue again, I double checked my money and wrapped a gold scarf round my neck, 'Right, I'll be back soon, if you need anything then.....look, just, don't need anything,' I smiled and swung the door open then shut again, embracing the blustering winds that were whipping up falling snowflakes and planting them on the tip of my nose.

My boots crunched into the snow and I clutched my satchel, half afraid it would blow away without the grip. Then, first checking Gellert wasn't peering out his window-as he very often does-I was about to cross the road when I actually did catch sight of him there which made me stop in my tracks. 

Not sure what to do I just watched as he took his usual stance, book in hand, completely engrossed with candlelight by his side warming the rosy cheeks of his pale skin, hair dangling over one of his eyes, the light one...habit from insecurity. Thank goodness, he's probably reading Tales of Beedle the Bard again. 

I made it across the road this time to the local pub which was on the corner and owned by one of Bathilda's friends. I wanted to make it quick, asking him if he'd heard of such a brand-which, obviously to my luck he hadn't. So I continued my journey up the road and to the closest street, Diagon Alley. 

I entered every pub there, even the other shops to ask if they'd tried or at least heard of the spirit. But with everywhere I went it was like it was a lie and that it didn't even exist. The cold now piercing through my extra layers causing me to shiver, I felt a little disheartened by the lack of progress I had made in my search. However, it then crossed my people even think about what they're drinking? 

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