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This has violence and swearing so you've been warned, also implied smut I guess but enjoy reading :)

Gellert POV:

'That little.' I clenched my fists, rage fumed within me as I thought of all the wretched things I could do to sort out that absolute son of a-

'Gellert mind your tongue.' Albus complained, pacing back and forth but looked upon with me with annoyance, something he doesn't usually do. Something I never wanted him to.

It just made me more annoyed at the git who caused this, 'Oh you think it's fine do you?' I asked, was Albus seriously going to side with him?

'Of course it's not!' He whispered, 'but we can't change his mind.'

'He is an ungrateful, stupid git, I vouldn't be surprised if he couldn't even perform magic!' I shook my head, that boy disgraces the name of wizard.

'Aberforth...he just doesn't understand Gellert.' He tried to calm me down, his hands ran up my arms but I pushed him off.

'Doesn't understand most things if you ask me.' I muttered, cursing worse under my breath so Albus didn't hear.

He sighed, 'there's no point getting this worked up about it!'

'You're right.' I nodded, trying to calm myself but the anger pushed back, begging to find a way out. My hand turned the door knob but Albus rushed to my side.

'Or.' He smiled, his lips meeting mine as he attempted to stop me, it was working. I pulled him closer to me as we deepened the kiss and walked over to my bed. If I'm being honest, I was tempted, very in fact. But all I could think about it how it would feel to punch that git.

'Later.' I kissed him once more before going back over to the door.

'Gellert!' He called after me, running as fast as he could as I made my way down the stairs to the front door. I would have apparated but I didn't want to scare Ariana, if I suddenly appeared out of nowhere I fear she may become frightened. My still clenched fists banged on the door of the Dumbledore residence as I waited. Waited for the moment I would finally be able to- 'don't do this.' Albus tugged on my sleeve, 'let's just go.'

I huffed before turning to face him, 'I'm not going to stand here and let your pathetic brother talk to you, to us like that.' I said through gritted teeth. As if on cue, the git appeared at the door, victory painted on that ugly face of his. Oh how I couldn't wait to wipe that smile off his face.

'Come back for round two?' He mocked, crossing his arms as if he thought he stood a chance. Ariana was nowhere to be seen so I decided to take the opportunity. I jerked Albus off my arm as I walked towards Aberforth, when we were centre metres I finally did it, I've been waiting weeks for this moment, the moment I finally claimed my power, our power. My fist met his lips from which he spoke those disgusting words to me and Albus. He turned to face me again, his lip bleeding down his chin and onto his hand as he held it. Suddenly, Aberforth swung his fist at me but I dodged, hitting him with one in the stomach.

'Enough!' Albus tried to pull me away

I wouldn't let him, hitting Aberforth with a few more before I spat, 'next time you speak like that, you know vhat vill happen.' Finally backing away, me and Albus back to my house.

'I don't condone it.' Albus looked disappointed in me, something that made me feel guilty, again something I wasn't accustomed to.

'He got vhat was coming to him.' I tried to justify, 'vhat he said to you-'

'I don't care!' He yelled, he hadn't snapped at me before, 'you didn't listen to me.'

'Because I won't stand for someone speaking to us like that.'

'I know.' He sighed, 'I know.'

I walked over to him, 'but it's fine now,' I ran my hands through his hair and pulled him close so that our foreheads touched, 'I am yours.'

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