smile 🌺

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Jungkook pov.

'Kim taehyung what are you doing to me?'

I was still wondering about this person , no matter how hard I try my brain will  fine it's way back to HIS thoughts , fxck I don't like how he is   effecting  me  so much . Now it's lunch time but all I'm doing is to think about him____it's getting annoying,


"Wooh you ok buddy?"

Jimin asked.... little concerned as I groan loudly


That all I could answer cause I myself don't have any idea why this stranger is messing with my heart___i mean brain

"Hey  little  bunny, what's wrong ? You look kinda lost___( dramatically gasp ) don't tell me our little bunny is lost in someone special!! is he already in L world ?"

Jiminie tryna cheer me up and I guess it's working

"I'm fine, just...."


"Nothing! BTW when are you gonna confess to your crush ?"

"W-What c-crush !?"

"Oh common jiminie~, I know how you drool over him.........on your  precious yoongi_____ right ?"

"S-shut up!! I don't !!"

"Oh really!? than who was keep staring at hyung instead of black board?"

I smirk as I know I hit the jackpot , he's so in love with yoongi hyung but is a chicken when it's come to confession

"I-i have to use washroom i-i-I'll  be back "

"Hey!! You can blush here too you know , come fast shorty"


He shout as he ran to the bathroom trying to hide his red face, so flustered just by hyung's name. I was laughing at jimin when I saw__ him ,

my  tae___ I mean Kim taehyung he was  at the corner of cafeteria sitting alone ____by himself , he kept his eyes close and wearing headphones guess his listening to music, than all of a sudden he stand up and started to walk hurriedly , where is he going?

Wait why should I care , he can go wherever........ but he looked excited a little.... maybe some one called him___maybe  his girlfriend  or  boyfri- no no I don't think he has one a-and I don't really care! even if he has one r-right!!............... Uggg fxck it.

So after small  debate  with my self  ,
I'm following  him  with my curious ass, just like some kind of stacker ! God, please don't let him find out about me or he'll think of me as some creep ,

Finally he stopped in the school garden and I guess he called that person again ,  I was standing near the tree hiding behind it and trying my best to hear his conversation but all in vain I can't hear a single word.

He was talking with his same cold expression but than it changed , his thin line lips got a curve at their corner and it got bigger and bigger____there it was .....the sweetest most beautiful smile I had ever seen , his lips converted into box like shape and the way his eyes get softer and smaller____i felt something I never felt

I felt my heart almost jumped out of my chest and my heart beat , it's getting faster and faster  I felt something dancing in my tummy , I put my hand on my chest try to make my heart calm but__ in vain , all I can do at that moment was to admire  that precious  smile and smiling on my own like an idiot.

I was keep admiring him when suddenly his smile fade away his eyes   no longer  had the soft gaze but the warm tears   and soon it became cold like before____like an empty shale . What in the world happened in that short period he was smiling __he was
happy and now......he looks like a robot with no emotions , I don't know what happened but I can't see him like this somehow my heart hurts, he was looking so cute with that smile I wonder if I can see that smile again....

I was about to go to him when my phone  started to ring , oh shit!! No no not now he'll find out...... and he did as he was now running away

"WAIT!!! Hey  tae!!  taehyung!! Hey SWEET SMILE!!!"

And he stopped I was panting by now trying to catch my breath from all that running , he turned around and looked at me with his sharp eyes and I stopped at my place___frozen by his cold eyes, I couldn't say a single word I feel like my words has stuck in my throat , I saw him turn again and walk away I couldn't say anything__couldn't do anything but I know what I want to do from now on .

You know people  say you don't need any reason to love someone, there is no time limit in love you don't have to spend all your time  with someone to fall in love . you  can fell in love in a sec if your heart wants that person , there's only one moment is enough for you to fall and I guess the moment I saw him smiling and be happy I fall for him. I don't know how your heart can desire someone___something that your mind can't even understand and I don't  want to either,

All I know is that, I already fell for him ,I can't understand these new feelings but I do know what my heart desires and what I want .......I want to see that smile again and again and than again....... Everytime everyday, I just want to see him happy____ no no that's not the only thing, I want to be the reason for his smile 'want to make him happy.

And I will....... just wait a little more  love I promise I'll make that  expression less cold robot into a cute bubbly human with lots of various feelings.

'I'm coming tae , better be ready !!I'm gonna change your whole world!!'


Hope you liked it

From now a cute love story will be start with lots of sweet moment and some naughty too


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