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Junkook pov.

"What? How?"

I asked tae as he took a deep breath, preparing himself to recall all those memories,

"Tae, it's ok if you don't want-"

"No it's fine, i want to tell you everything bunny "

I was about to tell him not to force himself if he doesn't feel comfortable enough and stop but he cut my words....

"Ok I'm listening"

I assure him with small smile and hold his hands for comfort, assuring him that I'm always there for him whenever he's alone or scared ...... I'll be with tae no matter what..... I give a light squish to his hands and he started to speak,

"After their marriage every thing was perfect and we were happy but all of a sudden namjoon hyung got busy with his work , he was always looking stressed and restless maybe because of work....."

"He became over protective towerds me , like he would ask me where am I going?, with whom , why and why am I not home early, who is my friends , with whom I'm hanging short every single details of my life"

I was little confused on hyung's behaviour so i asked my baby about it more,

"That's weird , why would he wants to know everything? I mean yeah his your hyung but still this is too much! What about your privacy?"

I asked as he just smiled at me,

"I didn't mind that bunny , i was ok with it because there wasn't any secrets of me at all and if hyung wanted to know all stuff about me then so be it , i really didn't care much about it"


That's the only thing i could utter ....

"I was fine with it but Jin hyung was sad, namjoon hyung didn't had any time for us , specially for Jin hyung and i was too angry about it, one day I decided to plan a date for them and make Jin hyung happy but i never knew that future has decided something else , something tragic that changed our life completely...."


Tae and Jin was upstairs in tae's room while joon was in office...

Here in room, tae was roaming around-walking here and there being frustrated by his joonie hyungie's behaviour while Jin was sitting on bed trying to calm this angry bear ...

"Tae tae it's ok , I'm sure something important has came up with work that's why joonie couldn't come"

"Hyungie how can you be so calm ? This is the third time joon hyung did this !"

"I know bear but it's ok I'm fine , really"

You must be thinking what is happening right? Well , today they decided to go on a date , only namjoon and Jin but our namjoon hasn't came home at time and now it's almost 11 at night but still joon wasn't home .....he wasn't even picking up his phone and his secretary has informed them that joon is stuck in some work and wouldn't be able to attend the call.

It's has been so long that joon and Jin where going on date but offcourse joon has ruined evening...

"Hyungie you don't have to lie to me"

Tae said as he sat beside Jin on the bed,

"I'm not lying baby , I'm really ok"

Jin said with small smile but his eyes were saying a different story, yes he was hurt and who wouldn't when your love would ignore you for some stupid office work? Jinie was upsat but didn't wanted to
trouble tae so he keep on pretended to be fine,

"No you're not , i saw you crying hyung! You were crying yesterday all by yourself and it's because of my silly hyung"

Tae said a little louder and Jin hung his head law ..... unable to match with tae's eyes his own eyes were shining with fresh tears....

"Hyungie, i know you always think about others first and put your self last but don't do this now , you deserve to be happy too ,you can be angry too, you can be sad too ,you don't have to hide your imotions infront of us....... we're family hyung, you can share everything with us and if joon hyung is being a dumass than you don't have to be an angel too, just pull his ears and tell him how you can even give him some good punches i don't mind"

Tae said last part playful and Jin Started giggl cutely,

"Ok ok my bear I'll do that when joonie come but for now__' let's eat something I'm hungry"

Jin said with little pout and tae giggled at his cute hyungie,

"Ok hyungie let's go"

Jin was first one to left the room while tae was still in there ___using bathroom......

"Tae! What are you doing? Come fast!"

Jin shouted as he was standing at the edge of stairs ____waiting for his little tae tae ,

"Yeah let's go "

Tae came out from his room and seeing him Jin too immediately turned around ready to go down but he totally forgot where he was standing and due to sudden turn he lost his balance and .....

"No.... HYUNG!!!!"

Tae screamed loudly as he saw how his hyungie fall down from stairs , he did tried to save him but before he could hold his hand it was already late...he could only grab the bracelet on his hyungie's hand wich was gifted by him on Jin's only the beads of that bracelet was left in his hand while his precious hyungie was on the floor......... with lots of red.....

On the other hand joon came home and the first thing he heard was a loud thud and a painful scream, he run in and the view infront of him made him shack to his core,

There the love of his life was laying with blood all ove him and his little brother who was looking horrified and shocked.....there was plenty of imotions floating in his heart , there was hundreds of questions running threw his head but the clock was ticking.....there was all red and dull.....

He didn't had time to ask what happened, he didn't had any time to West......he hurriedly took Jin in his arms and ran outside the house, letter put Jin in car carefully and drove to the hospital as fast as he can , thanks to his presence of mind he worked fast so Jin can be treated fast ,

On the other hand tae was frozen on his spot, he couldn't believe what just happened , he couldn't digest that the hyungie who was giggling with him is now covered in red , covered in his own blood.... laying down unconscious....

After joon took jinie to the hospital , tae too collected himself and went to hospital in his car.........


Hope you liked it (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)

Borahae 💜💜💜💜💜

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