🌺The plan (1)

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Jungkook POV.

"Tae , are you sure about this? "

I asked for the ninth time and he snapped

"Ofcourse I am ! Why else would I ask you to do this if I was not sure huh!!?!!"

"Baby... Please don't get angry, I am just afraid of Jin hyung "

I said with a small pout , trying to look pitiful but he just rolled his eyes on me... My baby became so heartless all of a sudden.

"Stop this drama kook , you're even scaring yoongi hyung . And besides why are you even afraid? It's jin hyung , he is the most kindest person ever "

He said as he folded his hands near his chest, asking me questions like a professor. My sweet little cutie baby professor. I smiled at my silly thought but soon realised the situation and snap out of it .

"Yes kindest and most dangerous too when he is angry. You know his anger tae , he will beat the shit out of us if we go according to the plan "

I said with a pleading tone. Hoping he will change the plan...

"Bunny..... Please..... I really want to know the truth and this is the only way he would tell us. I promise if things got out of control then I myself will come in between you guys and protect you"

His eyes became moist as he said those things. I mantly slap myself for being so selfish. All this time I was only thinking about myself while my baby was so worried. He just wants to find the truth and I will help him no matter what.

"Tae I -"

"It's- it's ok b-bunny I-I understand"

Before I could even complete he already thought I would not agree with him. He looked down, trying to hide his tears while his soft lips trembling .... He took the bottom lip between his teeth , stopping the sob from surpassing his now red lips...

"My baby bear , why are you crying hmm?"

I asked softly but he shacked his head in no , he looked so adorable doing so. His lips were formed in a pout as his cheeks were puffy , his nose was fluttering as he was taking short breaths, his eyes were teary yet beautiful , I can see the whole galaxy in those shining orbs .... He surely is the cutest! Like a little hamster.

"I am not c-crying "

He whispered out and I cupped his face, making him look up at me... Damn he is looking so damn gorgeous. Even when his crying.....

"Tae... I'm not denying your plan baby , I am ready for it. I promise I will help you to know the real truth. I will do whatever it takes to make you together with your hyungies . Now please stop crying"

I said and gently wiped away his tears ...

"Really bunny?!! You will help me?!!"

He asked hopefully, his puppy eyes sparkling with joy .

"Yes baby I will. "

I said with a small smile and pinched his nose playfully, earning a heartful giggle from him .

"Yo, love birds, if you guys are done then remember? we have other things to discuss "

Jimin said with an annoying eye roll, making me to glare and tae to blush.... Oh my God! he is so CUTE!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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