mistakes 🌺

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Jungkook POV.

When i back hugged my baby , i felt his shacky body against my chest. He was literally trembling in my hold and before i knew he broke down on the floor, luckily i was holding him or else he would have hurt him self,



I called him softly but didn't get any reply,

"Baby please say something"

I was practically pleading him to atleast make any move , he was still back facing me still trembling like a petal and i was getting worried as hell....

"Why........ WHY I DID THOSE THINGS.....why j-just why i make those mistakes.....its all my fault all my FUCKING FAULT....."

Tae screamed as his cries became more painful to hear , i can feel the sadness___the regrets in his voice. I don't know what to do,  I'm afraid to even touch him he's looking like, he will broke in to peaces just by a simple touch....

"Tae calm down or you'll get panic attack again"

I tried to convince him , he finally looked back at me and i shivered from the way his eyes were holding those painful emotions..

I couldn't hold my self any longer and took his trembling body in my arms,

"Shhh it's ok tae every thing will be ok "

I started to caressing his back and softly petting his head while whispering sweet things to him , he looked little calm after few minutes but still was crying on my chest . I carried him a little to put him on my lap and started to cradle slowly while singing his favourite song.....

It took a time but finally he fall sleep in my hold, he was still sniffing and dry tears were visible on his face ......my heart was sinking in while looking at his face .......it's hurts me so much to see him suffer like this......all i want is to make him happy......

After some time i carried him to our car , i drove us to our dorms and again carry him to my room, there is no way I'm gonna leave him alone right now.

I lay him down on my bad and was about to move but he hold my hand, did i wack him up?

"Don't go....."

He said more like whispered to me and i immediately stopped on my track , i jumped on bad too and pulled him closer to me . As i was about to cuddle him he stopped me and instead connected our head while holding my one hand....

I looked at him shocked but melted in his ocen eyes , my other hand found his way to his soft cheek caressing it with so much love. He closed his eyes and lean forward to my touch.



"Do you think my hyung will ever forgive me? Will he  ever stop hating me?"

He said as a tear slide down on his cheek , i wipe it with my thumb and kissed his head softly___letting my lips to stay there for some moment and then looked at his eyes,

"Offcourse baby he will , as much as i know him i don't think he can stay mad at anyone for too long"

I said with sweet smile and he smiled back weakly,

"You admire him so much right?"

He asked and i felt my cheeks heating up from embarassment ,

"Yeah i do.........
Tae i know it's your personal matter but can I ask why things turn out like this between you two? I mean he doesn't look like a person who would hate a person like you. He's so sweet such a good person, i thought your hyung might be a jerk but he's not!! I know him and-"

I stopped my words when i realised how i was blabbering non stop and how my baby was just staring at me with unreadable expression....

"I'm sorry i just-"

"You're right , he is the sweetest person . My hyung is a very good person with angel like heart ..........
It's my fault he became like this, i made him hate me"

He said with broken voice and i shack my head , not believing what he just said,

"I don't think so tae , i refuse to believe that you can do something bad , I'm sure there must be some misunderstanding"

I stated as he just chuckled bitterly , squishing my hand a little wich he was holding as if trying to gain some strength......

"I wish that would be true but bunny, it's not .There is no misunderstandings but mistakes , it's all because of mistakes i had made that now hyung hates me and you know........i totally deserve it"

"No you don't!! You don't deserve this hate tae and no matter what had you done in the past , that can not be as bad as you think . I'm sure whatever it is you do not deserve hate "

I said with all the sincerity in me but he just smile with tears in his eyes, that smile looked so painful to watch he looked so broken at that moment.

"You would have hate me too bunny if you were on my hyung's place"

"I would never do that no matter what"

"Then what would you do if i try to separate you from your love? hurt your love and make him feel like he's nothing? What if you nearly lost your love? What if you almost die ? What if your life comes in danger ? What if you just one step away from your death? And all these things because of one foolish person's mistakes? ...... because of me? ...........
And after all those suffering,.......... would you still forgive me?"


Hope you liked it.

And one thing i wanna clear is that tae is not a bad character, he may have made mistakes but not the ones he thought, you'll understand better in next chapters

Couldn't post earlier due to my cold 🥶 my throat is still burning 😓

Anyway keep enjoying the book (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Borahae 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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