panic 🌺

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Jungkook pov.

I started to clean books again with a heavy heart after tae run away from me and why wouldn't he, I was being a creep , getting that close to him with out his permission was really wrong____I shouldn't have done that he must be felt so uncomfortable on that time.

I started to arrange books on shelf as my mind drifted to today's incident , I remember how close we were__how close he was , how his cheeks turned little pink when our eyes meet , how he look down and started to breathe heavy , how soft and plumb his cheeks feels when I was caressing them , how his tiny waist fit perfectly in my big hand.

By now I was smiling on my on like an idiot recalling the magical moment when I got lost in him but soon my smile fade away as I remember his scared face he was scared , I made him scared . Just the thought of making him scared and uncomfortable was enough to make me feel terribly sad.

I sigh as I put the last book on the shelf , it was already evening and the library was closed for any new readers, librarian was already had left after giving me keys and instructions to close the door property and any books shouldn't be missing and some more,

I finished my work and head out of the library since I know only I was in there as I didn't saw tae anywhere , he probably had already left after my stupidity . I locked the door and went to my dorm.


Taehyung pov.

I was hiding from Jungkook since I didn't wanted to face him at that moment , I was so confused at to what was I feeling, I was so scared no__not because of what he had done but to myself that how did I let him do that, how did I allowed him to come closer to me .

I'm no weak I Know for sure if it wasn't for him I would have beat the sit out of a person who try to touch me or even to get near me with out my concern,

I was doing the work since I got the punishment too but I was doing it quietly and carefully as I didn't want him to know where I was,

It was already evening and the library was closed for readers , I was done with my work and was about to head out when I heard the door closing sound , I thought that bunny must be teasing me so I didn't shout for him to wait but when I reach the door it was already locked from out side.

"Jungkook it's not funny open the door"

No response....

"Jungkook I know your out there , now stop these stupid play and open"

I called him again but still there was no response from out side no laughter no voice nothing and I started to panic, don't tell me he actually left me here alone! What should I do now? I don't even have any contact number , I was still thinking when suddenly all lights went off,

i-i can't stay here, not in the dark! and alone!! I felt my self shakes a little as the fear comes up in my head , I felt immense pressure on my chest , I can feel my breath becoming slower with each breath, my heart was hammering with my bones . The fear has set in and I feel like I'm drowning. My thoughts were clouding in my head as my vision started to get foggy and tears started to pour from my eyes ____p-please some one open the door open the lights...... J-Jungkook....


Jungkook pov.

It's been fifteen minutes since I came back to my dorm but still couldn't get any rest as my heart is still hurting___I made my love cry and this thought is eating me up , I couldn't take it anymore and made my way to tae's dorm room but for my surprise it's locked , where can he go on these time of evening? Wait what if he's still in the library!! That scared me , fear envelope my each and every bone as I thought of him still being in the library alone and locked,

No no no , it can't be! I run as fast as I can to the library and open the door. it's dark in here since there was some issue with electricity ,

"Tae? Taehyung?"

I called for him but didn't get any response , I breathe out in relief maybe he already left, I was about to leave but stop as I heard some soft sobs from corner,

I started to walk at the direction and stop as I saw a figure near the window where some light was still passing by and was little brighter than the other parts of library, I get a little nearer and my heart stop as I saw him__my tae__my love , curling up to a ball shacking and crying .


Poor tae tae , but don't worry his bunny will take care of him and will make him happy.

Hope you like it.

୧(^ 〰 ^)୨💜❣️

my sweet bully🌺 (Vkook Ft. Namjin)Where stories live. Discover now