it's all my fault 🌺

98 7 3

Taehyung was standing infront of ICU with blood stains on all over his clothes and hands ...
He looked lost and helpless , didn't know what to do or how to do.

He wanted to go back in time if that was possible and reverse the insident. He's willing to throw himself infront of that car if that would save his hyungie..... But as we know, no one can reverse the time nor the insidents that happens in our life.... Whether you're like it or not, whether you're happy with it or sad ....

Tae was kept on looking inside the ICU , serching for his hyungie. His tired puffy eyes were longing to see his precious joonie hyungie, too tired from crying and blaming himself for everything ______ his heart wanting nothing but his hyungie's safety.

Hours passed as the treatment continued , finally the door of the ICU opened as a exhausted doc. came out from the white room. Tae literally grabbed the doc's hands and started to showered him with questions....

"How's my hyungie? Is he ok? Does he in pain? Can I see him? Is he awake? He's safe right? He isn't in bad condition right? He's - he's a-alive r-right?"

The last question came out like a whimper from his mouth, too afraid to even speak about the worse. Doc might have noticed his fear as he softly removed tae's hand off of him and gently made him sit on the chair in front of the ICU room.

"Calm down young man.... Take a breath. Mr. Kim, I mean your hyungie is out of danger now , I must say he's very strong , he was in very critical condition but his willpower has bought him back to life. "

"Can I meet him? Please?"

Tae said being impatient...

"I'm afraid Not now as he is still under observation but you can meet him after we shift him to the normal room"

Hearing that tae burst into tears while thanking the doc again and again,

"Thank you so much sir , for saving my hyung . You don't know how important he is for me and Jin hyung he-"

Suddenly taehyung stops, now that his hyungie was out of danger his brain worked and realisation hitted him like a truck. He still hasn't told anything that has happened with joon hyung to Jin hyung, Jin hyung might be still waiting for him and Joonie Hyung in the hospital bed.....

"What's the matter? Are you ok?"

Doc asked in concern as tae's blood drained our from his face and he became pale all of a sudden.
How he would be able to tell his Jin hyung that joonie hyung has been into an accident and that too because of him? How will he tell his Jin hyung that his love was battling with death just because of tae's foolishness? How will he tell jin that the love of his life is still in the ICU room? Just how.....

Tae didn't answer the question as he rushed to his Jin hyung's hospital room,

As he opened the door he met with the sleeping Jin while the nurse was ingecting some medicine in his bottle. Jin must be under effects of the medicine as he was sleeping very peacefully....

Tae walked in as he sat beside his Jin , the nurse gave him a weird look as he still was very much covered in dry blood , some of his and some of his joonie hyung's.

Now only Jin and tae was in the room , Jin sleeping peacefully while tae holding his sleeping hyung's hand and crying silently. He didn't know when the tiredness of the event took control over him as he felt his eyes getting heavy..... Before he knew he was sleeping while holding his Jin hyung's hand oh so dearly,

Morning came fast and Jin was now awake. First he got confused as to why tae was sleeping here but his confusion turned into concern as he realised the condition in which tae was. Tae was covered in dry blood and his face was full of dry tears ..... What on earth just happened over a night?!!

"Tae.... Tae bear ? Wake up baby ..."

Jin was gently waking tae up and suddenly tae jolted up making Jin flinched...

"Oh god you scared me tae!"

Jin breathed out in surprise while tae just looked at him with apology.... Jin noticed that and softly asked him about everything...

"Tae tae , what is happening ? Why you are covered in blood and where is joonie? Are you too still upset with each other? Baby please don't take your hyungie wrong he didn't mean to-"

Jin's words were cut off by a tight hug and loud painful sobs , tae was crying that too very badly while hiding his face into his Jin hyung's chest. Something in jin told him that it's about namjoon .. his love. A strange type of fear rushed into jin's heart as he patted tae's head with his now shaking hands, trying to make the poor boy calm.

After like five or so minutes, tae break the hug as he holds his Jin hyung's hands ...

"Hyung, joonie hyung he- he's in ICU, he ran into an accident last night "

Jin's world falls apart as he heard tae's words...
He jerked back his hands from tae's hold as his eyes filled with fresh tears...

"What are you saying?!! How ? How did this happen ? He was just here last night and...."

He asked helplessly to tae as his tears were flowing like a river ...

"It's - it's my fault"

Tae gulped down the lump in his throat as he said these words with much difficulty, his head was hung low ... too afraid to meet with his hyungie's eyes,

"What do you mean it's your fault?"

Jin asked with cold tone making tae flinch a little from the tone of his voice..

"He saved me and was hit by the car , if it wasn't for me he would never be in this situation, last night when I ran ........."

Tae explained everything to Jin as to how it was mean to be him who should have hitted by the car but his joonie hyung pushed him away and took a hit instead of him.

"Tae look at me"

Jin said as tae was still looking down, not wanting to see hate in Jin hyung's eyes for him. Jin's eyes has always hold such a gentleness and adoration for tae that he felt scared to see something else in them ..... Too afraid getting hated by his hyungie.

"I Said Look At Me Kim Taehyung!!"

Jin yelled at tae for the first time making him visibly trembled and closed his eyes tightly...

"I know you hate me now hyung, it's all my fault! Everything is my fault, I wish it should have been me in the place of joon hyung. I should be the one in pain.... I should have hitted by the car not him. I promise hyung I didn't do that on perpose..... I really wish I should have just died last night ___ no not last night but the day we lost our perents, I should have died with them , I always hurt everyone around me.... I'm a curse! I hate myse- (slap!!!!!)"

Tae was blabbering non stop with his head hung low and his voice die down with a loud slap on his cheek. Making it redded as his skin burned from the inside....


Hope you liked it (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)

Sorry for the late update(⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠), I was so busy these days but I will try my best to update more(⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)

Borahae 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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