pain 🌺

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Tae was still in front of Jin , looking down with the sharp pain on his red cheek but the blabbering was gone , his sobbes were muffuled as he bit on his lower lips..... Trying hard not to make any sound....

"One more time you talk about dying and I won't hesitate to slap you again!"

Jin said with anger rushing through his veins but tae looked at him surprised, surprised that the slap wasn't for his mistake but for his talk ... He couldn't understand what Jin was saying or why is his Jin hyung was still caring about him . Caring for the person who is the main reason for his lover's pain.


"Don't you dare say something stupid like before tae! "

Jin gave him a warning and tae just shut his mouth up immediately,

"Never say anything about dying tae, you don't know but you're so precious to us. You're important and loved. Do you think your joon hyung will be happy to know his baby brother is talking shit about himself? Would he be happy after knowing that the brother he had saved by risking his own life, wants to die? Don't you respect HIS life at all? even if you don't value your life at least value your brother's love ..... He jumped in front of death just to save you and you really think it's ok to take your life for granted? How can you even do that?"

Jin said with fresh tears steaming down from his preety eyes.... Tae felt so bad at his own words, Jin was right he shouldn't have said something like that but still he feels it was all his fault....

"But hyung, it's my fault that he-"

"No it's not! Did you hear me Kim Taehyung!! It . Is . Not . Your . Fault."

Jin said as he cupped tae's face softly and started to caressing his cheeks with thumbs as if trying to erase his baby Brothers pain with his tenderness,

"Tae , joon saved your life because he wanted too, he pushed you away to save you , he might already knew what could have happen to him if he jump in that situation but still he choose to do that because he loves you and trust me tae if I would have in his place I would done that too. Because you're a blessing to us and never a curse. It's not your fault that the car came rushing towerds you , you didn't know what could have happen or what was happening.... So please bear, stop blaming yourself for something which is not in your control "

Jin said with so much love that tae couldn't help himself but to hug his Jinie hyung tight. He couldn't believe how pure hearted a person could be? But here he was , in the arms of the purest and most beautiful hearted person. Tae was relieved that Jin wasn't blaming him but deep down he was still burning with guilt, because according to him it was his fault, technically if he didn't run away from the hospital , nothing like this would have happened....

"Hyungie, you're an angel , how could you be so kind? You should have hit me with punches , hate me but you're showering me with love"

Tae said as Jin slowly broke the hug,

"It's because we're a family bear , now please tell me how's my joon? Does he have any serious-"

"No ! I mean no , he's fine hyungie, joonie hyung is fine. He's even discharged from the ICU . He's out of danger, he might even gain his consciousness soon"

my sweet bully🌺 (Vkook Ft. Namjin)Where stories live. Discover now