soulmates (5)

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The slap was hard and loud , effective enough to shatter both of the brothers heart ....

Jimin was shocked but Bogum was astonished , he couldn't believe what he just done.  The slap was out of frustrations and anger but now he was guilty .... Jimin had his left hand on his cheek while looking down while Bogum's whole being was trembling ___ his hands were shacking badly....

"J-Jiminie I'm s-sorry I didn't mea- WAIT!! Jiminie...."

Jimin ran away from there while crying while Bogum too followed him behind but before he could reach him , jimin closes his door shut!

"Jiminie please open the door baby , I'm sorry... Hyungie is sorry bub . I didn't mean to hurt you"

Bogum was pleading again and again to jimin but he wasn't opening the door at all , jimin was heart broken and wanted nothing to talk about at the moment,

"Jiminie ... I'm leaving in ten minutes, I don't want this to be my last memory with you bub please I'm begging you to open the door"

Bogum was crying too and wanted to wrap his baby brother in his warm arms for the last time....

"If you love me hyung then don't leave!"

Jimin shouted from the inside, hopping it might work, hoping that maybe... Just maybe his hyungie won't leave if he won't come out but little did he know that this was his last chance to meet his hyungie....

"I love you jiminie but I'm sorry I can't stay here , I have to leave.... Good bye my little brother , I hope you could forgive me some day.... Hyungie will miss his little one..... Bye"

And he was gone , gone for forever. It's been two years and the brothers hadn't talk to each other. It's not like jimin hadn't tried to reach out for his brother but it was no use... The number was already unable to reach means bogum has changed it. Jimin didn't know were is his hyungie going so he doesn't have any other way to find him....

"Hyungie doesn't love me, if he had loved me then he would never have left"

That is the only thing which was running in jimin's head . After Bogum left , jimin completely changed, the cheerful happy baby was gone and now it was only an emotionaless empty box  .....
It took one year and three months for Mr park, jungkook and yoongi to bring the old jimin back but still they couldn't erase the bitterness from his heart for the world family ....

Back to present time

Jungkook POV.

"Taehyung, please don't cry baby .... It's ok. you didn't know "

I was trying my best to calm my baby , he was crying way to much. Poor boy thinking that he was harsh on his soulmate and hurt him bad...

"Bunny please, can we go to chim ? I wanna meet him"

"Of course we can . Let's go fast but first you have to stop crying ok? "

"(Sniffle) ok"

He did stopped crying but was still sniffing a little. He's looking so freaking ADORABLE!!! His nose is bright red and lips are formed in to cute little pout while his puppy eyes are staring at me innocently..... Oh gosh, I am in love again....

"koo ...."

"Yes tae"

"Let's go_

"Oh yeah.... Let's go"

my sweet bully🌺 (Vkook Ft. Namjin)Where stories live. Discover now