care 🌺

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Jungkook pov.

We were going back to the class when all of a sudden tae fainted, I got so worried and waited no time to carry him and bring him here at the nurses office . Our school nurse was checking him , he was looking so pale and weak. how I didn't realize that sooner !? I'm such an idiot, I'm so disappointed on myself.

"Umm, can you tell me what happened to him ? Why he fainted like that?"

I asked the nurse with very small voice carefully, I didn't wanted to create any type of disturbance,

"Don't worry young man it's nothing serious , he just need to eat a lot on time and get some rest"

The nurse which looks as same age as my aunt reassure me about tae's condition with a very soft voice , I bet she can sense how tense I was for my baby_____yes he's my little baby.....

"What do you mean?"

I asked as I was not sure on what exactly she was trying to say,

"You see he's been not talking proper care of himself I did the check up and it's saying that he's been not eating enough lately , see these dark circles it shows he didn't had enough sleep either"

She was explaining and I was just staring at tae , I wonder why he wasn't eating enough I mean the school provide us enough food, like even if you're hungry in the middle of night you can munch on some snacks since they made a little freezer for Evey dorm___our school is on the top for a reason after all , they really take care about student's needs and comfort along with the education.

"Are you his friend?"

Her question bring me back from my thoughts,

"I- Y-Yeah friend"

I smiled awkwardly , I mean I don't
think he think of me as his friend or anything I'm- what am I to him? Just nothing , no one.....

I felt a sharp pang in my heart as the thought across my mind.

"Ok so you won't mind staying here right? I'm sorry but I need to leave, but I'll be back in few"

I just nodded and she practically run out of the office/room.

I grab a chair and set beside tae's bed ,

"Tae ...."

I called him hoping he would answer,


And he did!!! he was waking up!!

"Hey are you ok?"


"Do you need something?"


"Oh here"

I gave him a glass of water and he drink that in one Swift,

"Want more?"

"No I'm fine....umm how did I ended up here?"

He asked not looking so confused I wonder if it's he's first time fainting like that or ...

"You fainted"


"Oh ? OH!!!? Are you fucking kidding me? You literally fainted while walking__out of nowhere and all your reaction is 'oh'"

I shouted, I Know I shouldn't but the way he was so clam__explain it wasn't the first time he fainted but that wasn't the reason why I was getting mad , no I was mad because he looked like he doesn't care about himself at all.

"Stop shouting"

He said and lay down again___not facing me ,

"And-and thanks for the help"

He whispered softly and my anger vanished in thin air , fuck he really affects me so much.

I let out a big sigh and sit back on the chair, after like five minutes he turn around facing me and gosh, he looks so adorable , he is peaking from the blanket and his one cheek is press on pillow and other is looking puff causing to form a cute little pout of his lips .

"Why are you still here ?"

"To watch over you since you're not feeling well? "

"You don't need to"

He said as he closed his eyes and his little pout form in to a big one and cheeks got more puffy I couldn't help but to touch his cheeks ,

I touch his cheek with the back of my hand, first he flinch a little but didn't push it away so I started to caress it a little and he opened his eyes! I got little panic but soon relaxed as he lean in to the touch and I keep caressing his cheeks softly , he seems to fall asleep anytime soon and he did but not before mumbling a word 'warm bun'- or something I couldn't catch up the last word but it feels so good that I was able make him feel warm .

After like one hour he woke up again and glared at me,


"I told you to leave"

"And I told you I will look after you"

"You don't have to"

"But I want to"


"Because I care for you"

And there was a silent after that, I don't know how that slipped from my mouth , well whatever I didn't lie tho cause I do care about him.

"You shouldn't"

He broke the silent with his soft law voice,


"Because a bully don't care about others"

He said with that cute pout of his and I chuckled at his adorable reply,

"Well , you're right but I'm not the normal bully"


"I'm your sweet bully my sweet cheeks"

I said that with my famous bunny smile____And he blushed, he fucking blushed!! Am I dreaming?

"W-whatever____stupid bunny!"


Things going to be more fluffy and sweet from now on,

Keep reading and enjoy the story full of love 💜

my sweet bully🌺 (Vkook Ft. Namjin)Where stories live. Discover now