Chapter 1- Stay Hidden

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Emmie's P.O.V

When you wake up what are your first thoughts?

It's too early.

It's to bright?

Why did I sleep so late?

Do I have to get up?

Should I fake a sickness?

All those are true but this morning that's not what crossed my mind. What crossed my mind was why did I hear singing from my closet? I snapped up quickly meeting the open doors of my walk in closet and a annoying little girl named Britt. AKA my best friend in the whole world.

"Good morning lazy bum," she didn't turn around as the seventeen year old continued to search through my closet.

She tossed dresses out giving them not even a glance as she pushed them from her way. "What are you doing?" I asked pushing the blankets off me leaving me in my shorts and tank top.

"You need something cute to wear and," she paused turning to me her black hair in a perfect ponytail and her brown eyes looking me over. "Uncle Luke wanted me to tell you that he wouldn't be home this morning and you are to specifically stay in the house no wandering."

When she finished we shared a look, "Nothing new," we said in sync as she said the command I was given everyday.

I walked to her as she tossed a outfit at me a wide smile plastered across her face. "I wore a dress today but I see you in a pair of it's shorts today so I hope you like."

With that's he slipped away in her little white dress a little to short and I knew her mate would scold her for that later. I smirked and look down at the outfit she handed me. I smiled she knew me so well, I changed into the clothes sliding on the teal sweater and white lace covered shorts. I brushed out my hair and added light makeup. I slipped on a pair of sandals and walked out of my bathroom and down the stairs making my way towards the kitchen. Britt sat in her mates lap Jackson giggling as he cooed and kissed her.

"It's a kitchen," I growled making their eyes snap to me.

Britt rolled her eyes and hoped off Jackson's lap. "I'll see you later babe," she pecked his lips which soon turned into a passionate kiss killing my eyesight. I growled and hit Jackson with a plate making him growl at me.

"You'll understand when you get a mate. Yeah yeah exit the kitchen loverboy," I scolded shooing from my kitchen.

He rolled his eyes laughing as exited the room Britt laughing. "Not even I can get him to listen to me, I'm a little jealous."

I laughed sitting down biting into my toast. "Don't be," I smirked.

She laughed and sat beside me, we talked for a long time laughing and gossiping about celeb news. We may be wolves but we did fangirl. It all stopped when Mom came running down the stairs Dad and grandpa behind her as she ran to me and Britt.

"Girls come on," she grabbed our hands. "You guys need to hide."

"What's going on?" I looked over at my Dad who looked on edge.

He sighed, "It's okay Princess," he whispered helping as Mom took us up the stairs. "Stay hidden and do not speak."

"What's going on?" Britt asked as her parents, my Dad's beta, showed up.

"Enemy pack," Alice her Mom smiled softly as we were locked into my room.

"Not fair!" Britt exclaimed crossing her arms over her chest. "We can take care of ourselves."

"Well you could," I muttered.

She sighed, "You'll shift soon."

Yeah right, I thought to myself. My Dad is a wolf my Mom is human. No one knows if I even have wolf blood in me, they don't know if I'm all human or half wolf. They are all clueless to it all.

"I can't stand in here," she growled pulling out one of her bobby pins. "I have to see what Enemy has them all protective."

"Your mates going to kill you," I whispered as she popped the door open.

"Oh but I have my ways," she smirked wiggling her eyebrows and I groaned.

"Too much."

She laughed quietly pulling me down the stairs behind her sneaking as best as we could. But when we hit the bottom step running to the door. As I peaked out the window my world changed.

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